ORIENTATION # 1189 : THINKING PREJUDICE Questioner: Is the - TopicsExpress


ORIENTATION # 1189 : THINKING PREJUDICE Questioner: Is the lifeblood of understanding observation ? Answer: I would say yes.. however; language is one thing, observation is another.. Not the mere observation through our eyes of course, but rather psychological observation: the action of thinking in the action of observing the action of producing thoughts, which then result in actions in life and existence.. Observation can result in language, which is a treasure obviously, as well its a fulcrum made up by means of mutual communication and understanding possibly capable to bring into being a more intelligent and serene psychology and future civilization.. but never forget that language is the description, not the described.. Thinking is not a language; thinking creates and uses language.. but the act of encapsulating thinking into a particular semantic made up by meanings, definitions, conclusions and eventual absolute and ultimate archetypes such as god, divine, spirituality and so on.. such encapsulation places the mind into a condition in which there is not longer observation, just prejudice.. accompanied by extremely rich and convincing linguistic constructs perhaps, which then turn into faiths, beliefs, psycho-sociological tribalisms.. but still prejudices.. I call observation, self observation, that intimate psychological act of thinking that functions as a personal Sherlock Holmes in regard of all the prejudices, all the pre-packaged models of thinking and architectures of thoughts, (not to mention the speed we have in answering.. without having completely understood the question).. that populate our psyche, especially in this chaotic modernity.. Language, (turning sounds into organized linguistic tools and ideas), is probably one of the most wonderful invention mankind ever created.. however, a mind who is not attentive, who does not observe how prejudices function, so surreptitiously sometimes.. brings into being the tendency to cling and even worship words and symbols, meanings and conclusions.. Love for example, or consciousness, or good and bad and so on.. under an attentive analysis, one can rationally find out how all of these big values and definitions are merely more unbalanced toward their linguistic and social attributions and interpretations they carry... rather than being balanced on a platform of integral and clear intelligence and understanding.. Whats intended as love in Paris, is not exactly whats intended as love in Islamabad, so it is in regard of consciousness, so is in regard of the bad and the good .. and so on.. Intelligence uses language, but the intelligence who clings too much on language, identifying itself in meanings and conclusions and big existential definitions, becomes less and less intelligent.. no matter how sophisticated such language can be.. and it becomes more and more a thinking prejudice.. this is fact, not opinion.. _____________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ eofproject.org jessicamystic
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 10:45:31 +0000

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