ORIENTATION # 962 : THE SILLY CAROUSEL OF NO--COMPARISON WHICH ACTUALLY LEADS TO COMPARISON __________________________________________ It is kind of easy to proclaim no comparison .. It seems to me that this attack against comparison is also rising among the so called and self proclaimed internet spiritual preachers.. merely because most of them they have nothing else to say.. particulary in this age in which many of their illusory expectations such as the shift, the ascension, the 2012, the rapture whatsoever did not take place.. nor physically, nor psychologically .. One wonders if people notice, rather then listening with open mouths and numb brain that the statement do not compare comes always a posteriori of the comparison itself.. therefore it comes inexorably without a complete understanding of why comparison takes place.. indeed we say wow, you made my day .. but few minutes later we recreate the same dirty thing again.. So now, the so called lightworkers, play the card of intellectualism.. talking about no comparison, non duality and so on.. just because mentally struggling people are tired to hear rhetorical nonsenses such as follow your heart, just be or big motivational concepts such as infinite potential and similar absurdities.. Whats ignored, and therefore it becomes confusing.. it the circumstance in which he who speaks about no comparison.. just because its fashionable and intellectually alluring, but he or she do not see the complete mechanics through which comparison works.. such speaker is actually promoting comparison itself.. because he or she speaks rhetorically.. superficially.. and comparison is simply the fertilizer of rhetorical and superficial fields of thinking, living and existing.. Just like he who speaks about non-duality, but he or she do not completely understand the extreme complexity of the psyche responsible for the dual processes of thinking.. then he or shes actually being separative.. dual.. just like those who say we are all one .. and then they say respect all belief, all belief is valid dramatically ignoring that belief is inexorably separative.. therefore, obviously, they paradoxically deny what they themselves preach.. Or those who preach that human consciousness is one.. but when interrogated about what is really this thing you call consciousness ? But do not rhetorically or according to what you have been told or picked up and put together as a puzzle in some bombastic book or speech made up by your mentor or psychic whatsoever ? then they say .. give me a break to think about it .. If human consciousness is one, whatever it means, how is it that one person is busy in a process of illusions and the other is another completely different ? Comparison has deep tentacles and surreptitious ramifications .. its not so simple to be explained in a 10 minutes youtube video .. Problem is that when we face something .. we have certain sort of scholastic methodology within the brain.. coming form the conditioned cognitive educative system through which we all went through.. Profoundly : as long as the idea of examination resists and persists hidden in the psyche.. so long comparison will exist in the brain.. cause it is because of this idea of examination that we are so acquisitive, so competitive, so psychologically corrupted.. Can we think about our daily self-educative process of thinking without the idea of examination .. examination means testing.. in relationships, among thoughts: a group of thoughts tests another group of thoughts creating constant noise in the brain.. examining.. becoming.. but without understanding.. everywhere.. thoughts are constantly testing and examining other thoughts .. Can this be stopped ? Not through a meditation of some kind.. which is merely control.. but rather radically .. through even just a momentary flare of liberated intelligence .. Each I do not know.. therebore better if I cling to a model.. to copy.. to apply.. to repeat.. is actually a mental examination we apply to our psyche.. a test.. a test aimed to create a bogus measurement aimed to not feel lost in the daily traffic of existential thoughts and a test is inevitably an authority .. iit goes nowhere if not only in the establishment of more self-comparison .. which then results in motivational pettiness.. which is what the whole new age is all about .. Think about these things ________________________________________ this is why we set up the end of fear project for more info WWW.EOFPROJECT.ORG jessicamystic endoffear.weebly/ find us on facebook the end of fear group or for more info on Detox your Mind coaching contact us or help us spread the word share these posts #EndofFearProject #Psychology #freedom #fear #EOF #Detoxyourmind #understandyourmind #JessicaSchab #Jessicamystic #beliefs #DiegoKricekFontanive #religion #thinking #detox #education #evolution #sociology #mentalhealth #wakeup #insanity #depression #limbo #mind #criticalthinking #lifestyle #mindset #expose #dismantle #exposingspirituality #exposingthenewage
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:24:18 +0000

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