OUR HOMELAND SECURITY ADVISOR TWITTERS THAT AMERICA IS AN ISLAMIC COUNTRY ~ DOESNT THIS BOTHER ANYONE? Mohamed Elibiary is hard at work upsetting the masses again with his deceitful tweets. Elibiary who is a known muslim with alleged ties to the muslim brotherhood, was tweeting the morning of Halloween, claiming the U.S. to be an Islamic Country. In the past he has sent tweets to various US leaders, accusing them of “Islamophobia”, stating that the US has an anti-muslim agenda. Homeland Security’s website describes the advisor as: Mohamed Elibiary is the founder of Lone Star Intelligence, LLC. He has advised numerous federal, state and local law enforcement organizations on homeland security-related matters. In 2009 he was acknowledged in a Congressional Research Service report for advising the Information Sharing Environment Program Management Office on the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative. In 2010 he testified before Congress on “Working with Communities to Disrupt Terror Plots.” In 2011 he was awarded the Louis E. Peters Memorial Award, the FBI’s highest public service award for “his extraordinary contributions to specific cases in support of the FBI’s counterterrorism mission.” In 2012 the Office of the Federal Public Defender, a division of the U.S. Court, recognized Mohamed for his “tremendous service” leveraging his Homegrown Violent Extremism expertise in the United States vs. Daniel Patrick Boyd counter-terrorism case. One would have to wonder just what types of terrorism he was involved in thwarting? Perhaps Elibiary needs to put a damper on the twitter account for a while, until someone teaches him that America is not an Islamic country, he will only further smear our claims of “intelligence” community. DID YOU KNOW THAT, AT THE RATE OF ISLAMIC MUSLIMS BEING ALLOWED IN OUR COUNTRY AND THE RATE OF CHILDREN THEY PRODUCE, WE WILL BE OUTNUMBERED IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS OR SO??? On average, Americans produce 1.5 children per family compared to the Muslims who produce 6 to 8 children per family... THESE ARE REALLY SCARY TIMES FOR THIS COUNTRY... OBAMA AND HIS GANG NEED TO GO BEFORE THEY DESTROY AMERICA AND WE BECOME A COUNTRY LEAD BY AND REDUCED TO COMMUNISM.....
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:19:48 +0000

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