OUR HOMELESS FRIEND BILL IS THROWN IN JAIL FOR DOG TAG- DOG IS MISSING!!!! I am sure many of you remember the initial story I posted about Bill in Memphis and the help he needed for himself and his dog...This story is AWFUL...please share to help Bill and find his missing dog! It is all he has! “MEMPHIS MAN LOCKED UP BECAUSE HE DID NOT HAVE DOG TAG” HE HAS A TAG! The news story below is about OUR homeless man BILL with the dog named Mama. He is the one whose left arm was cut off in a work related accident and he is begging in the streets now for food for him and his dog. I cant believe they threw him in jail for not having his dog tag. He carries the tag with him and showed them to me several times. Apparently he had to show up at a hearing, but he didnt realize it - and would have no way to get to court anyway. We have thousands of dogs in Memphis being abused, starved, freezing, chained and suffering. We have homeless dogs and puppies on the streets that dozens of us are trying to get to safety. We receive NO help from Animal Control - though we ask. Yet they have targeted a homeless man with no arm and his well-loved and vetted dog? Nobody knows what they did with his dog Mama - she will be devastated without him. Animal Control says they dont have her. Bill must be bailed out of jail. Linda Sutphin is going to work on that today. If anyone can help her and help locate Bills beloved dog, please let Linda know. MAN LOCKED UP BECAUSE HE DID NOT HAVE DOG TAG MEMPHIS, Tenn. – A man is behind bars Tuesday because of a problem that began when his dog was not wearing a dog tag. William Oldenburg, 51, is locked up, facing a failure to have dog tag on dog charge. Memphis Police said Oldenburg was initially issued a summons when an officer discovered his dog did not have tags. However, police said he did not show up to court, so a warrant went out for his arrest. WREG spoke with Brian Ward, a man that knows Oldenburg. He said that Oldenburg currently has a rabies tag for his dog, but he apparently did not attend court as he was instructed. Ward said that he has received a similar ticket from police in the past for his dog. “If you don’t go to court on it, you do get a charge,” Ward said. So, now, Ward always carries his dog’s tag with him. WREG spoke with dog owners about dog tags. Lauren Vanderhoek’s dog wears all the required tags, and she said she understands why police check to make sure dogs are vaccinated for rabies. She said she is not sure it is a charge that warrants an arrest, but she agrees that Oldenburg probably should have showed up in court. Memphis Animal Services impounded Oldenburg’s dog after his first citation. However, a city spokesperson said MAS never impounded the dog after Oldenburg’s arrest. It is unclear where the dog is. WREG wanted to know how common this type of arrest is, so we contacted MPD. MPD said it reached out to the Real Time Crime Center. The Real Time Crime Center said there is not a clear cut way to track the number of arrests or summons for this particular crime. Oldenburg’s bond is $50. He is due in court tomorrow. However, an automated phone system said he could also just pay a fine.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 13:56:56 +0000

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