OUR PARISH: No news from the Diocese but, it has been a great - TopicsExpress


OUR PARISH: No news from the Diocese but, it has been a great Parish news letter and a busy week in our parish. It was wonderful to see the numbers of people coming to celebrate the Feast of All Saints which was, after all, a Holy Day of Obligation. I look forward to our celebration of All Souls Day this morning. Thank you to all those who have returned their November lists of their deceased relatives and friends. You will see that Mass will be celebrated for the repose of their souls this Friday at 9.30am and Masses will be celebrated by Father George in Malawi. On Tuesday I was very grateful to Damian and Conor for renewing the outside the lights. The seals on the lights had perished and so, they had filled with water. They have now been renewed. Because a “Cherry Picker” was used and access being good it made for a very sound job. You will notice that two of the lamps are changed to a more subtle yellow light the third will be changed in due course. It is five years since we renewed the light bulbs in the church. Cecil has renewed all the nave and the aisle lights. The nave lights had become noisy, we hope that a change of bulbs and starter will have remedied this. Notice also the “Creation” banner t the left of the altar. On Thursday night the remainder of the red mission boxes were counted and yielded the sum of £187.23p. This gave us a total for the half year of £855 giving us a grand total for 2013 of: £1,703.52. God bless all of you who support the missions in this way and to all the helpers. A magnificent re- sult! Mission Calendars are available for your collection today. CHURCH CLEANING:Thank you to those who cleaned our church last week. Cleaning our church next Thursday at 6pm are: Ketiwe Nhende; Judy Root; Helen Kilbane; Frances Rourke; Vourn Mahoney;. If you would like to help to clean the church just come along this Thursday at 6.00pm. THANK YOU: for your offerings at our Masses last weekend which amounted to: £1,190.06p. of which £536.70p came from the Planned Giving Envelopes and £653.36p came from the loose plate. PREPARATION FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: I was amazed to find that we have 55 applicants to begin preparation to celebrate First Confession and First Holy Commun- ion. The number of children attending Mass would suggest that many of these appli- cants do not regularly attend Mass. I have asked Mrs. Patricia Branson to arrange a further Parents meeting when I will decide on the course of preparation that each child needs based on the familys practice of the faith. ANNUAL DANCE organised by the Irish and Holy Rood Support Group to raise funds for the Peace Hospice will be held on Saturday the 16th November from 8.30pm to midnight. At Holy Rood Social Club Tolpits Lane. Dancing to: “Cover Story”. Tickets are £4 from 01923 233254. There is a bar and there will be Raffle. This event, thanks to your support is always a great success. Please to support this most worthy cause SICK AND RETIRED PRIESTS COLLECTION: Envelopes are available for the very important annual collection to be taken next weekend to help the Archbishop care for the sick and retired priests of the Diocese. THE CHURCH OF OUR LADY AND ST. MICHAEL Crown Rise Garston Watford Herts. WD25 0NE Telephone: 01923 673239 Email: [email protected] Web Site: stmichaels-ourlady.org.uk PARISH HALL: to use the Parish Hall please telephone Marie McHugh on 01923 518917 between 8pm and 9pm Monday to Friday only. OFFICE HOURS: Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday and Friday 10am to 12noon. Otherwise by appointment Parish Diary for the week beginning Saturday 2nd November 2013 THE THIRTY FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: Saturday: 6.00pm. Mass for the souls of Gus and Mary Lyons RIP Sunday: 8.30am. Mass for the souls of Mary and David Evans RIP 10.00am. Mass for the repose of the soul of Danny McAuliffe RIP 12noon. Mass for the repose of the soul of Jim Murray RIP Monday: 9.30am. MASS for the repose of the soul of Joan O`Sullivan RIP Tuesday: 9.30am The Liturgy of WORD AND EUCHARIST 7.00pm. Months mind Mass for the soul of Ger Foley RIP Wednesday: 9.30am. The Liturgy of WORD AND EUCHARIST Thursday: NO MASS OR SERVICE AT OUR LADY`S Friday: 9.30am. MASS for the repose of the souls of the November Lists Saturday: 6.00pm. Mass for the repose of the soul of Michael Keating RIP (anniversary) Next Sunday: 10th of November The 32nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Masses: 8.30am. Mass for the repose of the soul of Mary Keogh RIP 10.00am.Mass for the repose of the soul of William Maddigan RIP (anniversary) 12noon. Mass for the repose of soul of Frank Slowikowski RIP (anniversary) Sanctuary Lamp: For the deceased members of the Gidman Family CONFESSIONS: Saturday at 5pm Please note: the extra Mass this Tuesday at 7pm. The month`s mind Mass for the repose of the soul of Jer Foley. Weekday Masses at ST. HELEN`S North Watford (tel: 01923 223175) Monday to Thursday ; Weekday Masses at HOLY ROOD Watford (tel: 01923 224085) Monday to Friday 8.30am and 12noon Saturday: 11am
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 13:43:17 +0000

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