OUR TOPIC TODAY IS PANIC ATTACKS AND GAD SO I HAVE A FEW SUGGESTIONS....... PM ME IN PRIVATE AND IN STRICTEST OF CONFIDENCE What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (c) s moore whelan What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder In the case of extreme anxiety or Generalized Anxiety Disorder it is vital to search for the base root and cause and for your own need to have anxiety in your life. These are your thoughts and thoughts can be changed. Just like a habit, thoughts can be altered by investigating the need to feel fears or to constantly wash your hands etc., Medication and alternative medicine can help you back to a lifestyle that you want. By helping yourself and finding out what are your triggers you can alter your habit and thought patterns by meditation, therapy and massage. If you have to take a pill for a while in order to overcome this debilitating condition then so be it. Do not beat yourself up over this as it will only add to your anxiety levels. Generalized Anxiety Disorder starts by worrying about everything. Anxiety is about everything and yet about nothing. However, if you worry constantly about everything and this lasts for six months then anxiety can manifest itself into physical or psychological illness such as insomnia, physical and mental tension, irritability, fatigue, lack of concentration and restlessness which are very unpleasent experiences. In the case of chronic, excessive worrying, panic attacks, fears or phobias, obsessive-compulsive symptoms and depression can easily manifest and make your life very hard to cope with. Compulsions such as counting or repeating rituals may seem pointless however they can be very destructive. Constant hand washing can leave them raw and very painful. Some people suffer from obsessive thoughts and attempting to control the compulsions by resisting them simply creates more anxiety. If anxiety comes to a level that it is causing intrusive thoughts, ideas, impulses, images, fears, phobias or even agarophobia then a medical diagnosis is imperitive. Other forms of anxiety include groundless worries over illness, worrying about disasters that are highly unlikely and generally fearing almost anything you can think of to fear. Anxiety is a form of fear without grounds which stems from a stimulus or impulse fight or flight syndrome. Our own defence system can be distructive to a persons life and cause severe turmoil within. Anxiety is present in everyones life and is a necessary part of our inner structure. It is when anxiety becomes the main focus or feature and disrupts our lifestyle that it needs to be treated immediately. Anxiety can come about from stress, overwork, divorce, a death in the family or virtually from any extreme amount of pressure or major change in your life. Fears and phobias are merely intrusive thoughts but they can disrupt your life completely. A person who is Agarophobic may never leave their homes for years due to irrational fears which are basically unfounded. GAD - Generalized Anxiety Disorder is becoming more dominent in todays society due to everyday stresses, monetary problems, pressure to keep up appearences and the onslaught of the largest worldwide recession since the 1970s the so called Celtic Tiger....... There is always a cure so please reach out to anyone you can trust and do not go through this experience alone.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:36:57 +0000

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