Obama Collaborates With Our Enemies .... Treason ... Obama - TopicsExpress


Obama Collaborates With Our Enemies .... Treason ... Obama wants the terrorists to win. He mistakes them for a civil rights group. He is not unique in this, which is why the left-wing media are happy to cover for him and promote his anti-American policies as normal politics. The left wing of the Democratic Party, including Hillary Clinton, doesn’t believe that Islamists are implacable enemies. There is no violent, organized, widespread supremacist Islamic movement based on the mainstream teachings of Islam. The problem is America and Israel. We are too successful, too powerful, too white, and too Western for the left’s taste. Frustrated Muslims are justified in wanting to kill Americans and Israelis. It is we who need to change our ways. His progressive base applauds Obama as community organizer to the world, fighting for social justice for the poor, angry Muslims who only hate and kill because they are mistreated by colonialists and bullying cowboys. To leftists like our president, we are the bad guys. Sharia law is a right. Israeli’s self-defense and sovereignty are wrongs. Islam is a beautiful religion; Judaism and Christianity are backward and hateful. Islamophobia is real. The jihadi threat is not real. Steven Emerson, head of The Investigative Project on Terrorism, lists numerous cases of jihad in America, including the mass murders by Army Major Hasan and the Boston Marathon bombing, where he believes Obama’s pro-jihadi homeland security policies hobbled the FBI from successful pre-emptive action. “Numerous experts on Islamic terrorism like myself - and I had given 143 lectures at the FBI, CIA - were banned from speaking to any U.S. government counterterrorism conferences, Mr. Emerson told The Washington Times. Instead, these agencies were ordered to invite Muslim Brotherhood front groups.” The Obama administration has invited Muslim Brotherhood front groups, CAIR and others, to control FBI counter-terrorism training. The FBI has been forced to never mention the term Islamic extremist. The FBI is not allowed to describe the Koran as the teachings of Mohammed – it is the revealed word of God. The Obama administration won’t allow the FBI to mention young Middle Eastern males. The FBI is not allowed to link al-Qaeda to the first World Trade Center and Khobar Tower bombings. Calling this political correctness is to trivialize it. If these policies were limited to discussions in the faculty lounge, they could be called political correctness. When our president hands power over our homeland security to jihadi groups, it is collaboration with the enemy. americanthinker/2014/06/the_obama_doctrine.html#.U5S906B2tjw.twitter
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 01:50:28 +0000

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