October 23, 2013 Dean Clinic Channel 3000 Madison Public - TopicsExpress


October 23, 2013 Dean Clinic Channel 3000 Madison Public Library Bully’ Screening Dear Fellow Community Members & Officials, After viewing the prime documentary, ‘Bully,’ I was touched significantly by the power, emotion, and the expressions that this film delivered. This film opened up all of my old wounds from being bullied in the past, and allotted me to review those times of pain, instability, and low-self-esteem. The film allowed me to stop, and take a productive look at how far I’ve come along from the atrocities. Seeing the students and families in ‘Bully’ suffer continuously showed me again how bullying can affect someone in many ways, not just physically, but mentally, socially, and emotionally as well. These events from the film also showed me that bullying is a large epidemic in our society— even larger than how it is expressed throughout the world. As we sit down and evaluate certain negative topics that are currently running in full-force in today’s society, such as crimes, bullying, mass murders, and more, we begin to contemplate that positive change is needed nationally, and globally. After evaluating 2012 statistics showing that “more than 160,000 U.S. students stay home from school in fear of being bullied,” (Nevada PEP), I knew that a change needed to be made. I, Marcus Moore, want to change the foundation of bullying in America. I am willing to take the stand on all accounts and continuously speak out against the subject of bullying. I want to stretch the fact that bullying contributes to many of the harmful effects students in America feel today. Whether it be mentally, physically, or emotionally; millions of students know and feel the pain, as a result of the bullying. Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24 (2010 CDC WISQARS). Each day in our nation there are an average of over 5,400 suicide attempts by young people grades 7-12 (jasonfoundation). I was once one of the students out of the total 5,400 who considered suicide because of bullying, but I saved myself. Unfortunately, not a lot of youth can save themselves from the tormenting pain like I did. This is why I want to help our youth, because it kills me to see such beautiful and prosperous lives end so early due to bullying. I want everyone to know that I will be your voice, I will listen to you, I understand your pain, and together, we can all overcome anything… including bullying. #BeABuddy Kindest Regards, Marcus Moore
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:24:17 +0000

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