Off hand I can name a ton of issues that I would think St. Bernard - TopicsExpress


Off hand I can name a ton of issues that I would think St. Bernard Parish should be concerned about other than having an ASPCA employee, accompanied by a sheriffs office deputy to illegally seize my neighbors dogs! Almost every single family on our street has dogs, some of us have more than one, that are ALL well behaved and friendly with each other. Today, multiple dogs were taken by the ASPCA, including my neighbor who was able to capture it on video. Apparently there is a law that your dog cannot be in YOUR front yard without a leash on. To my knowledge, my front yard which is maintained by me, is MY property, which means I can have my dogs on my property, correct? The shelter employee claims there were five complaints about my neighbors dogs roaming the street, yet she had no documentation of any complaints to show. Beyond that, the dogs were inside! They are inside dogs! They go out to use the bathroom & that is all!! My neighbor Raevin Lorin got a knock on her door saying she had to turn over her dogs to the ASPCA. Youre telling me that it is legal for them to make my neighbor give her dogs to the pound? When Raevin first refused the police officers orders of turning over her inside pets he then blocked her vehicle in so that she could not leave her own home to pick up her child from school until she gave her dogs to them. So who is going to come tell my 8 & 4 year old neighbors that their pets were taken illegally by the ASPCA a month before Christmas?! When the officer told my neighbor that her dogs had to be released to the shelter, she opened the door to let them out. Animal Control only grabbed ONE of her TWO dogs, meaning one of her dogs is now missing. Roaming freely around the neighborhood. We are trying to find her but if I were her, I would be scared and hiding too. If animal control is who the dogs had to be released to (which my neighbor complied and released her dogs upon being told to) and they only caged and took one while letting the other run, if my neighbors dog is found dead on the street, who gets the blame for that? One of the dogs is at the shelter as we speak, but they will not release her, nor let my neighbor pay the fine to get her dog back. So what happens to her dog that has been their family pet since it was 6 weeks old? It gets adopted out to a new family? The shelter says that since a cop was there & the dog was taken, it is now a legal matter and we have to call the Justice of The Peace to file a suit in order to have her dogs returned to her! This is absurd. Living here, in this neighborhood for 14 years WE HAVE NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM. For those of you that will wonder what type of dogs they are, they are small lap dogs, maybe weighing 5 pounds a piece. As someone who has a dog that I personally adopted from the St. Bernard Animal Shelter barely two years ago, I am disgusted! I would like someone to acknowledge this problem, I always see 6 on your side bringing light to many situations, please bring light to this situation that shouldnt even be a existent.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 02:49:12 +0000

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