Offshore oil rig training job for Roustabout Theres hardly one - TopicsExpress


Offshore oil rig training job for Roustabout Theres hardly one other than roustabout on oil rigs entry level inexperienced job in the USA where a worker can start making $50,000-$60,000 per year right away without going to college or possessing no skills at all in the job that youve chosen. And thats for working only half a year in fact, because roustabouts on oil rigs work by shifts of 14-30 days on, and then the same amount of days recreating on the shore. Get your resumé in now, have it sent out to the oil companies that hire in just minutes. Oil companies are hiring! This site contains free information on how to get hired for offshore roustabout jobs right away. Its not often that you come across a job that pays top dollar without asking for experience or at least completing any of the training programs. For roustabout job the programs do exist, but theres an easier and a faster way to get a placement, if you act instead of thinking. GO GET JOB OFFER OF YOUR DREAM! HOME | JOBS | WORKING ON RIGS | SALARY | REVIEWS | INDUSTRY | LINKS Oil Roustabout Workforce Market Regardless of different limitations set on drilling oil offshore recently, deepwater drilling never stops, and new oil wells are being drilled continuously in different locations, including the Gulf of Mexico and other busy offshore oil and natural gas exploration and development areas. All wells that had been drilled previously or those in the process of being set up remain operational, which is in fact good piece of news for oil rig workers and job seekers seeking to obtain an entry level job such as roustabout on offshore oil rigs. The need for inexperienced workforce is greater currently than ever! If you take qualified and educated workers/employees that work on oil rigs and speak to them, youll get the firsthand confirmation that be it electrician, or welder, or scuffolder, motorman or derrickman, or driller, all of them will tell you that getting job on offshore oil drilling platform is primarily all about experience. Even if you used to work performing the same welding, drilling, scaffolding etc. on land, in order to get a position on oil rigs youll need additional training due to the specifics and high standards all maritime workers are required to adhere to. Its much harder to secure your very first job placement on oil rigs than actually working there. Even if you are looking for employment in auxiliary trade like catering, you all the same will have hard times convincing the contractors to give you a chance to prove yourself. Quite surprisingly, the competition is considerably lower for applicants that have neither trade, education, training or even experience. The guys Im talking about are roustabouts. Though inexperienced, they still have much bigger chance of getting employed with good salary and benefits alike. Applying for position of a roustabout is the easiest way of getting your foot in the door of so lucrative working in oil and gas industry, provided you are physically strong, emotionally stable, daring, responsible, and highly motivated individual that feels hes not afraid of working long hours at sea. Its often working in bad weather and sometimes in the dangerous conditions that is associated with the work on offshore oil rigs. Roustabouts Are in Great Demand on Oil Rigs, No Experience Needed What is Roustabout, anyway? To make long story short, roustabout work is the job where you mostly do hard manual labor on offshore oil rig. Its not just most common entry level job on oil drilling platforms, but also one with greatest turnaround of workforce, because it can be not just physically demanding, but by times exhausting. Roustabout is both the dirtiest and the most strenuous work on the oil rigs. With the responsibilities and duties that include a long, if not endless list, roustabout is basically responsible for maintenance work sort of helper to roughneck. Having an experience on Texas oilfields or onshore oil rigs of North Dakota is advantage, considering that land based oil drilling installations and offshore oil rigs basically have the same or very similar life cycle. The difference is working on the floating offshore oil platforms or ships means more travelling and living in secluded, limited space and working under harsh weather conditions at the sea that can be often stormy like the North Sea. Big number of offshore oil rigs still are in shallow waters and relatively close to the coast, e.g. oil rigs functioning around the US Gulf coast. If close to the shore, rig crew are commonly delivered to and from the jack up platform by helicopter. For oil rigs and drillships looking for oil and gas deposits far out in the ocean, the crew have to be transported by a ship. Ship journeys take more time, therefore the workers on offshore oil rigs have to work for longer periods of time with shifts comprising 4 - 6 weeks instead of the 2 weeks considered standard for the industry. Area contractors to be reviewed: Dubai UAE. Jobs in Doha Qatar. Saudi Arabia. Featured job: Drilling rig electronic technician jobs in Nigeria. Painting, cleaning deck, guiding cranes, tugging heavy hoses, assisting to fix all kinds of mechanisms and even being ready to act as rig medics or welders helper is what you must be emotionally ready to do on the first call. There are many strong and tough guys out there trying their chance for the first time and then deciding working on oil rigs is not for them. Reasons for quitting may be different, but heres one reason not even to send your resumé (CV) to potential employers. Thats if you feel you are not eager to learn new things from others while working. You are supposed to pick up skills as you go. Yes, you got it right. Roustabout is the only job on sea oil rig that requires no training before your starting to perform your service duties, just a brief instructional course on the minimum things life safety rules and working ethics among rig workers. The existing training programs for roustabouts arent taken seriously by the majority of the oil companies, unless these are the training courses in a form of briefing on the site in course of work. Work hard, dont talk too much, listen carefully, dont ask extra questions, and never complaint. Should you turn out a quick learner and be willing to take one of many courses right on the oil rig (they hardly can be called roustabout or something like that training programs), you may very soon found yourself promoted, and not to what would logically be, roughneck position, but to crane operator assistant, materials man, assistant welder etc. You may even make up your mind to take a break and go to a college in order to get education needed for working in oil rig management or administration, and that without risk of loosing your employment with the oil industry. Once with experience of having worked on the oil drilling platform as roustabout, youll find your next employment on oil rigs with ease.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:48:35 +0000

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