Often times, I get asked what religion are you a part of? It truly - TopicsExpress


Often times, I get asked what religion are you a part of? It truly boggles my mind that because the Holy Spirit has convicted me of pagan customs, traditions of men, vain worship, sin, etc. that I get asked this question. Seriously? The Holy Spirit is the only one that can convict you of your sin life and lead you to ALL truths. And yes, I have been convicted of so much sin. If you arent seriously weeping over your sin no matter how small or insignificant you think they are, as a sin is a sin is a sin no matter how big or small, then you are in BIG trouble. If you arent praying for those sins to be removed then you are in BIG trouble. If you arent repenting daily of your sin then you are in BIG trouble. When you become truly born again and are walking in the Spirit vs the flesh, you HATE what God HATES and you LOVE what God LOVES. I dont believe in Sinless Perfection but I do believe that God is calling us to be Holy and that doesnt mean walking with Him holding hands with the devil. I am of NO religion, I am of NO denomination. Both of those are manmade too. Read your bible. I have a personal relationship with God Himself. God really is raising up His remnant and again, that remnant is not going to look so loving because those of us standing for the truth arent going to look like the rest of the crowd. No, as a matter of fact, we arent going to look anything like the majority of professing Christians look like. We arent partaking in pagan worship and customs such as, i.e.; X-Mass, Easter, Halloween, birthdays, etc. We arent into the physical church building thing as we know that the Body of Christ is who we are not some physical church building teaching apostasy and another Jesus. We know that we are to be in the world but NOT of the world because you see...we are just passing through just as Jesus said, My kingdom is NOT of this world and neither are the true believers following Christ. We dont look loving to the majority of professing Christians because truth is hate to those that hate the truth. We were born for such a time as this and we know that the way is narrow and that many are called and few are chosen. We read our bibles, watch and pray and we listen to God and are led by the Holy Spirit. We are convicted of our sin life and we are striving to be Holy. I dont expect the majority to understand as its clear from my newsfeed who really walks in the Spirit and who walks in the flesh just by your post. Time is running out like the sand in an hourglass. God has been beckoning each of us to return to Him and He will at some point give you over to the delusion because you decided that you couldnt handle the truth and because you made the choice to not follow Him. Just as Jesus is gathering His sheep and separating them from the goats and the wheat from the tares, God is calling to you. Seek The LORD while He may still be found because at some point there will be no turning back. This world has absolutely nothing to offer you only Jesus does and the sooner you realize that the better off you will be. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Repent, believe, start searching for the truth, pray for wisdom and discernment and God will indeed give it to you. I was once lost too but now I see. Praise our Living God that He opened my eyes. To him who has an ear let him hear....
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 01:49:19 +0000

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