Oh brothers and sisters now would be the best time for us to teach - TopicsExpress


Oh brothers and sisters now would be the best time for us to teach our sons and daughters to obey the law being that the devil himself now runs around in police uniform like a lion seeking whom he may devour. Lets not tempt this wicked beast by acting like niggas as they so like to call us. Lets be examples for our children and not just simple targets for them to randomly shoot at. Confuse this demon with the renewing of your mind, high intelligence, and educated dialogue. When approached by them always address them as officer, sir and mam. Make sure you drive the speed limit, dont get caught loitering and oh yeah keep your pants up; (Stop Sagging!!!) you know; avoid the very appearance of evil... Also please keep in mind that all the police brutality and murders of unarmed men that keep showing up on your news feeds is a ploy to brain wash you, cause fear, and panic. The powers that be would love for us to get mad and outraged enough to be tricked by the devil into then revolting, creating militias, and taking the law into our own hands which would only make it worse. You guys have heard of Marshal Law right? Its where those same powers that be figure the cops arent strong enough so they then call war on the people by bringing the military to enforce the law which believe it or not will be way worse. But still have no fear for greater is He that is in you than he who is in this world. Also fam, lets motivate our sons to be the best law abiding citizens that they can be. Sometimes I wonder would things be a little different now if we would have raised our sons to join the police, patrol our neighborhoods and infiltrated the police system for good instead of teaching them to write rap songs like F The Police, and 187 On An Undercover Cop.....anywho just thought I would share my thoughts, I hope this brings a little comfort...GITTUM
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 23:35:17 +0000

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