Oh come Let us Adore Him. Christ The Lord!! Today is day 5 of 27 - TopicsExpress


Oh come Let us Adore Him. Christ The Lord!! Today is day 5 of 27 days of Intercessory Prayer. Todays assignment **WOMEN** Join us as we Go before the throne for the Woman on today... Father God, we lift up the women today. We pray that each one of us will have a covenant relationship with You. We pray that we will come to You first with our concerns and that we will pause to listen to what You have to say to us. We pray that ww will enjoy our prayer time and that ww will always make it a priority. Lord, We pray for our women to answer the daily call to spend time with You and Your Word. Please help us to keep in balance and stick to sound teachings. Lord, I know that many women have been wounded deeply in our life and that we carry terrible scars that we cannot easily see. Father God, We ask that You will bring healing into our lives, down to the core of their being, to our very heart. Please touch us with Your love again and again so that we can begin to heal and learn to trust You and others. We pray for those who are caught in bondage that we fear we will never be free of, please set us free by the power of Your name and the blood of Jesus. Give us all compassion and discernment as we minister to those who are hurting. Lord, we pray for women to be committed to our husbands. We pray for the ones who are struggling to draw closer to You and find strength to persevere. We pray for forgiveness and healing in our relationship with our husband. Lord, if the couples need help, please give us the courage to ask for it. Please bind the power of pride and loose a spirit of cooperation between us. Please help us women to be willing to give themselves completely to our husbands. Please protect us from unfaithfulness and conflicts that would tear us apart. Father soothe the heart of the widower. Father, help our women to have a Kingdom view of our role as mothers. Please give these precious moms a vision for our childrens future. Help us to be patient and loving. Help us to be firm and consistent in discipline. Help us to nurture our children and raise them up to know and love You. We especially pray for our single moms to be strengthened and supported by others in the church. We pray that You will be our Best Friend, the first that we run to, the One that we can confide in and trust with everything. We pray that we will be doing everything that we are asked to do with joy and a spirit of excellence. Lord, I know that You have a plan and a purpose for each woman. I know that You have equipped us to do something for You. We pray for our spiritual gifts to be developed. We pray for obedience to You and submission to spiritual authority to be a priority in our life. Father, We pray for each of our women to know that we are deeply loved and highly valued by You. We pray that we will learn that our value is not found in what we do or who we are married to or how well we have raised our children or what our ministry is. We pray that we will find out early and never forget that our value is hidden in Christ. In Jesus Name......Amen
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 12:26:19 +0000

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