Ok *sigh* I wasnt going to do this because Im still in the denial - TopicsExpress


Ok *sigh* I wasnt going to do this because Im still in the denial stage, but I couldnt let today go by without acknowledging it. Sophie has recently been evaluated and is showing signs of autism. It explains so much, the screaming fits, the not talking, the way she interacts with people/children etc. However, we still hold out hope because theres never been a kid with Sophies back story, we have nothing to compare her to. There is no other child who has gone through exactly what she has in her young life, so theres no precedent. So it may just be normal developmental delays. We are hoping that as we get her treated for autism, those traits will either disappear or the tougher attributes will at least be easier to manage. There is absolutely nothing wrong with autism, the kids I know with it are incredibly sweet and smart, just like our special girl. We only hope what every parent hopes for, and that is for our child to not have to struggle. I fear her getting bullied, kids already comment about why shes different, and that is excruciatingly hard as a parent. Since we are leaving for the summer we have to wait until September to get her officially diagnosed. These specialists who will see her actually try to rule autism out, which tells me they wont just throw a label on her. If there are other reasons explaining her behaviors, theyll let us know. Thats a relief, either way we will know for sure. We love our little girl more than anything in this world and no diagnosis will change that. In fact the therapy that weve recently started has already been so helpful! Anyway, Ive been working on getting more comfortable with going ahead and telling people that she is, and if it turns out shes not, no harm done. :) So here goes, we love our little special, talented, loving, unique, and beautiful autistic girl!! (Coden James Davidson)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 04:48:03 +0000

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