Sonny now lives in the world where both science and faith reside. - TopicsExpress


Sonny now lives in the world where both science and faith reside. I think I mentioned that the tumor is affecting the area of the brain that is in charge of communication and comprehension. So he has had trouble putting names to faces and finding the correct word for the names of things and places. Just after his first chemo treatment he couldn’t even remember the names of our daughters. That was very upsetting. He couldn’t remember mine either, but I think he figured I’d just answer to “Hey you!” or “The wife” (Grrrrr!) He has also had trouble following TV shows, as they use so much dialogue, and names and identities matter a lot. He hasn’t been able to follow the plot or story line, so that limited him to reruns of reruns of Big Bang and Pawn Stars, shows he had pretty well memorized, he’d watched them so often. This comes and goes depending on the fluid build-up and swelling around the tumor, which can be controlled (or not) by the steroids(science). When you’re sick and stuck in the hospital and you can’t read or watch TV and making conversation is hard work, well the time gets long. For both of us. Last night, Laura suggested we watch a movie that had been recommended to her by someone she met at the hostel in Moncton when we were over at the Brain Trauma Clinic in Moncton. (Now there is a resource that we can all be grateful for- lots of medical science and technology there.) Ten minutes into the movie, Laura looked at me and said “this isn’t usually the kind of movie we watch.” No, it sure wasn’t. There was a lot of prayer and scripture quoting, too much for our tastes in football movies. I said “let’s see what Dad thinks”, because when I looked over he looked quite rapt and wrapped up in it. It was one of those “success in football overcomes everything” stories, except in this one all the credit was given to the Lord. I kept an eye on Sonny as the movie ground along. He was smiling at the clever parts and bright eyed and bushy tailed all the way through it. When it finished he turned to us and said, all smiles, “I knew all the names of the people. And I understood what was going on. I only had to ask you a couple of times, didn’t I?” Absolute clarity for the first time since Labour Day. It struck me as odd that this should come about while watching a ‘Come to Jesus’ movie that we aren’t in the habit of watching and that Sonny wouldn’t have ever been interested in pre-tumor. (No offence intended. Laura and I have deeply held spiritual beliefs- they just aren’t of that ilk) you know people have been praying fiercely for Sonny. And science has been fighting hard to help him. Last night I think maybe they both won. As for Mik, not much intervention there. Now if you could pray for her to come on home(which has just become more complicated by the extra treatments and lost time from work) or for Mama Bear to figure out a way to split herself two ways and to go West for her too...Or maybe I’m just getting greedy ;o) Thank you all for all of the positive energy- whatever you want to call it. From the bottom of my heart
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 22:35:14 +0000

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