Ok.. so last year I acquired a nine year old beagle from family. - TopicsExpress


Ok.. so last year I acquired a nine year old beagle from family. He was kept on a porch with a cat. He came with the name Beagus, and I dont know why.. I shortened it to Beags because he has had the name for so long. He was not played with, was rarely brought indoors, was yelled at, and neglected in terms of affection, training and so on. He came to me at 50 lbs, had some of the worst teeth I have ever seen on a dog, had behavioral issues, was not socialized (hes not overly nervous, just.. awkward), no confidence, he held his head down all the time and freaked out whenever left alone. Ive never seen a more mournful face. He has dropped the weight and is at 32-34 pounds, depending on activity level, has had nine teeth pulled and is on antibiotics for the rest of his life as well as had early arthritis, so Rimadyl is a daily thing. Oh, and I got him neutered. He is more confident, but he is overly sensitive... has separation anxiety (as long as I dont crate him he is not that bad, he nearly killed himself the last time he was crated, was chewing on the bars to get out, has tooth damage to all of his canines from chewing :(). I take him on daily walks and he has a cocker spaniel brother and a kitty brother and they all hang around together. But he still seems so depressed, if I raise my arm/hand or raise my voice he hunkers down and shakes. One time, he tripped me while walking and I twisted my knee, yelled at him and since then its been worse (I didnt mean too :(). He is actually on Xanax because nothing else worked, we tried the holistic stuff, the thundercoat, etc. with no results. I want to build his confidence but I dont know what to do with him. He has no idea how to play with another dog, he will play with toys and figured out what a tennis ball was. His teeth are good enough to chew on rawhide. Anyone have any pointers? I have had him just over a year, weve celebrated his birthday twice, had steak and birthday cake, had ice cream, we go to the dog park when its cool enough. We go to dog events all over central Florida... Were going through a training class (currently on hiatus, as I am switching jobs to one more dog-friendly .. vet tech.. haha :).. Before I got him, this was a few years ago, he only got bathed when I went over and did it... So if I didnt visit for months.. guess what. And now
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 03:35:13 +0000

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