Ok so managed the pictures below but lost everything I wrote, so - TopicsExpress


Ok so managed the pictures below but lost everything I wrote, so here we go. Its been great to hear the storm raging all night clearing away all that dense energy that has been around for weeks. The storm gives us an opportunity to release anything that is stuck or stagnant and make way for new life, literally blowing away the dead wood. Crystals that really can support you with this process are Nuumite and Moldavite and check out the meaning of the Native American Symbol for Storm. Nuummite, the Sorceres Stone, draws from the fiery energies of ancient Earth and combines with the elements of Storm. Black as midnight shadows on moonlit water, this talisman shimmers with mystical gold light, lifting the murky to see what lies beneath. It is a stone of personal magic, increasing the frequency of synchronicities and luck, clairvoyance and intuition, and for those evolved enough to work with its intensity, it allows for journeying deep into the personal psyche, offering a clear vision of ones true Self. It helps to release energies trapped in the subconscious and brings the gift of inner power, healing, and self-mastery. Nuummite is a stone of tremendous grounding, attuned to the elemental forces of Earth that can be drawn upon in times of need. It is an excellent source of energy with a strong electro-magnetic field. It aligns the subtle bodies, strengthens the auric shield, and is fiercely protective against negative energies, manipulations, and environmental pollutants. Moldavite is a cardinal Storm element stone. Storm represents massive transformation, cleansing, and change on all levels, and moldavite certainly lives up to that reputation. Moldavites energies are perhaps the most easily felt of all minerals. It carries an intense frequency that deeply activates the entire chakra system, stimulates the kundalini, cracks open ones psychic channels and propels one into ones future with the force of a hurricane. But dont let this scare you! Sometimes this cosmic boot in the butt is exactly what is required to dislodge psychic debris from ones life and kick-start ones spiritual development. Moldavite lays bare the limitations one has put on ones life and development. Than it explodes those limitaions and propels you headlong down your spiritual path. If you are addicted to saftey and surety, than watch out for Moldavite! This alley tolerates no qualifying addendums to ones statement that one is ready to move forward. Once you have invoked this allys power, it is best to be truly willing to face and release whatever has held you back so far. You can either go gracefully and willingly, or you can go go kicking and screaming-but you WILL go! As a great and wise guild once said to me, You asked for it! Beyond its life-changing capabilities, however, Moldavite can also be a truly fun stone to engage. Its energies progressively unzip the chakras, allowing for powerful activations, amazing cosmic journeys, and humbling revelations about the size and scope of this thing we call Spirit. It is an excellent communication device for talking with ones relatives and friends in the [heavenlies]. In fact, I would qualify it as the cosmic attunement stone. It powerfully enhances the dream state and should be used in moderation until one is acclimated to its frequency. This ally teaches one to respect the power it carries and to respect the power one carries within oneself. If you are truly ready to move forward on your path, than Moldavite is the ally to approach. Yes, Moldavite allows one to have the experiences most people are seeking when they refer to spiritual experiences. Connections to guides, expanded awareness that would put any hallucinogen to shame, and a visceral experience of the highest frequencies are all possible when one invokes this allys energy. Be ready to peer into the great, gaping maw of your deepest, darkest fears, secrets and shadows. Moldavite brings to the surface that which you most need to recognize, honor, intregrate or clear, so be prepared to really look in that mirror. Once you have stirred up the mud, however, Moldavite will shine the brightest light into the depths, illuminating the monsters and revealing that they are really mere mice. Moldavite is an activation stone. If you are frustrated with not being able to identify the roots of your imbalance or disease, however, than by all means invoke this energy!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:13:52 +0000

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