Ok, yesterday while at the playground with kids, another mom & her - TopicsExpress


Ok, yesterday while at the playground with kids, another mom & her 3. Kids were there. Mom & I were sitting on the bench and when it was time for them to leave she called to her kids. Her youngest, a girl about 5, small for her age, but she was very articulate and stubborn, asked to do something, and mom said no. Well this little spoiled, unruly, girl threw her moms keys and cell phone across the cement. Needless to say the cell phone breaks apart. You know I could not be silent. I said, That is disrespectful and you are out of order little one. I asked her mom for her name and the mom told me. I ordered the little girl to pick up the things and she stubbornly stood there and mom picked up her things. I said to mom, Mom, youve allowed her to act this way for too long and its not cute. Shes disrespectful to you and you need to put a stop to this right now.. Mom said, looking embarrassed & at wits end, I know, I know, she gets angry and always throws my things.. I said, looking at little miss, Who cares if youre angry-youre wrong and disrespectful. You dont throw your moms things because you cant have your way. Again, I said to mom, You should not care that she is angry and you should have made her pick up the things-thats part of the problem-that youre concerned about her being angry with you. Shes going to be angry a lot in life and is this how she is going to react? Mom picked up her things, gathered kids into car, and left just shaking her head back and forth, looking like she was so frustrated-maybe at me & most certainly at the situation. I dont apologize for one minute for what I said. I dont tolerate disrespectful rug rats and I have very little patience for parents who are afraid of their kids or who are more concerned about their kids liking them or not. These kind of kids grow up to be grown children, throwing tantrums & all sorts of foolishness because they were not properly trained to respond appropriately when they hear No. I dont have patience for ungrateful kids and lackadaisical parents. What say you?
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 16:00:55 +0000

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