Okay Ick! and probaby TMI! However, I have to share. My daughter - TopicsExpress


Okay Ick! and probaby TMI! However, I have to share. My daughter brought home head lice. It has happened to everyone I know at least once. Well, this was an event. It all started when I noticed some white specks in her hair a couple of days ago. I hadnt noticed her scratching her head but I was concerned. I decided to re-wash her hair because I thought maybe there was towel lent in it. Once we dried it, I didnt notice the white specks except a couple which I picked out. I figured we were done with it and went on my way. How could I be so naive? Then last night my husband sat down on the couch with my daughter to help her with homework. He went to pat her on the head only to drawn back a bug on his hand. I identified it as head lice right away! The moment everyone heard me say those 2 little words the whole family went into a panic. My 5 yr old son started scratching his whole body doing some kind of get it off me! war dance (He checked out clean btw) my 7 yr old son ran up to his room and locked himself in. (He also checked out clean). My husband jumped up and ran to the bathroom to wash the bug off and sanitize his hand. Meanwhile I had my daughter in a headlock picking through her hair. I didnt waste a second. As a long haired blonde I have learned to never be without lice shampoo and spray. However, my stash was depleted (wouldnt you just know it?) So armed with only a half a can of spray I put my daughter in the bathroom aka the neutral zone and had her strip while I stripped the couch and sprayed it with the remains of the can I did have. I took a picture of the can and sent my husband a text with instruction of what to buy so I could wage a war on the invaders. I forgot I had left my daughter standing half naked in the bathroom as I my sons help me strip 9 beds and all the chairs of their linens. It wasnt until I entered her room that it dawned on me that she was waiting for me. Major mom fail, I know! I took her some clean clothes and told her to strip her room of everything, while on the phone with my mom getting instructions on how to deal with stuffed animals, pillows, and clean clothes in closets and draws that I was sure had to be contaminated. We got every stitch of dirty laundry and any laundry that might have possibly been contaminated all to the laundryroom. I fired up the washing machine and then donned my apron to carry the clean clothes to a leather chair had I just enough spray to saturate and wipe down. Then I took the apron off for the dirty clothes. Finally, my husband made it home after traveling to 3 stores to gather the supplies. He had 5 bottles of lice shampoo, and 4 cans of spray, plus a new container of laundry soap. He was not amused at the fact that one of the pharmacies told him the reason they were running low on lice shampoo was because there is an epidemic going around. Oh Really? he said, Then why dont you try ordering more at this time of year? He told me the pharmacist just stared at him as he paid for the 2 bottles they did have while he was trying to figure out where he could get the rest of my list. I could tell he was not amused, but neither was I and I didnt have time to feel sorry for him while I was facing a mountain of laundry, 3 kids to bath and comb out, and 9 beds to spray! I sprayed every bed, every pillow, and all the stuffed animals (they went into a trash bag while my children wailed.) My husband realized I might be in over my head so he decided he would take care of the boys and then remake their beds while I continued to my work. After I got all the laundry in the laundryroom and everything sprayed, in the house, I started the shampooing process on my daughters long thick hair. You all know the fine tooth comb process right? Well, it took us 2 hours to fine tooth comb her hair! She had quite a mess! I combed and combed and combed until I thought my arms were going to fall off. Then is dawned on me, I am going to have to do this for myself once she is in bed.... So, I finished her up and sent her to bed. Then I realized all of this effort is worthless if my husband doesnt bathe. I knew he would object because he like morning showers, but to my surprise he was preparing to go upstairs just as I was about to ask him to do so. He also informed me he had sprayed the interior of both vehicles while I was combing my daughters hair. I was so grateful. I had completely forgotten about that. By this time it was 11 pm and I hadnt gotten my own self clean yet. I had a revelation, The backpacks! I wanted to scream! I knew I had to stay up and washed the back packs. So I put them on to wash while I was showering and combing my own hair. Which brings up a question...Have you ever tried to comb out your own hair? Yeah, that doesnt work. I thought I might enlist my husbands help but I found him in bed sound asleep. He did use the shampoo and shower but he didnt let me check him so I gave it my best shot alone. I knew I needed help but I was also aware that I would be needing a retreatment soon because Im the laundry mule. SO I just let it be. All day today, I have been doing laundry, spraying the pile and letting it rest for a while then throwing it in while holding it away from me as much as possible. Just praying Im getting rid of it all. Tonight, I recombed my daughters hair and then like an angel she put her hair up in a bun and offered to comb my hair for me. It was so nice to know that my daughter was willing to stand there for a good hour (my hair is shorter) combing my hair. She told me she didnt find much. She had my husband come in and help her check, but she kept a firm grasp on the comb. She wanted to make sure she was in charge of my well being. She told her dad You know dad, mom needed your help last night, I know you were tired but how is she supposed to do this by herself? Now I know why God gave her a daughter. You just dont take care of her like I do. I know it was a bit disrespectful but I had to snicker a little. She was so determined to make sure I was okay. I had to love her for it. My husband is good natured so he just made a joke of it. She and I laughed that we are a funny pair of monkeys picking through each others hair, but at least we are clean monkeys! I have a feeling neither of us will forget this experience for a long time! I will be glad when its over! We still have a retreat to do and Im not done with the laundry. I have learned my lesson. Lice shampoo every 3 months need it or not!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:40:17 +0000

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