Okay... Im going to say it, I may get backlash, but Im going to - TopicsExpress


Okay... Im going to say it, I may get backlash, but Im going to say it. People in my school need some serious reality checks. But I know that will probably never happen. So I myself will let those people know right now, if Im not good enough to be a part of your group because Im nice to people that you think are weird because theyre not drones like you and your crew. And maybe dont have as much as you. Then I dont want to be your friend anyway. I would SO much rather be friends with people who are going to like me for me and not talk crap behind my back the second I walk away. Id rather be friends with someone who doesnt have as much, because they appreciate every thing they do have. Id rather be friends with people who will accept me no matter what. And Id rather be friends with people who are real, who are friendly, who dont need their superior last name and mommy and daddys money and party selfies to be cool, because theyre happy with who they are. Because theyre them. They dont need superficialness and condoning to what everyone else considers popular and acceptable to feel special. They dont need to fake and act stuck up to have a group of people who like them. They are real. I dont need to get drunk to be happy. I dont need to sleep around to feel beautiful. I dont need likes on Instagram or a group of fake friends to feel popular. If I only have two real friends who will always be there. Fine by me. I dont need to hide behind designer clothes to feel superior. Because regardless of what I have. I am a person. Just like everyone else. I am no better. No less. I am me. And if you cant accept that. Someone else will.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:29:17 +0000

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