Okay everyone start praying for my David to make a speedy - TopicsExpress


Okay everyone start praying for my David to make a speedy recovery. Recap of my day. I wake up get Tabs morning routine done and was just starting a load of laundry when David Miller comes in and says he is going to the bathroom (this is odd because there is a bathroom in the shop. The next thing I hear is vomitting. As everyone knows David and Tab have this sick connection where they must ill at the same time (this has been going on for 31 years). I can tell the noise is coming from the bathroom so I rush in--there is really no modesty left after 31 years of marriage. I grab a cool rag for his head let the puking pass and get him into bed. I ask if he wants me to call the doctor. He says no because MEN are anti-doctor. An hour later the vomitting starts again and he begins shaking all over. This time I dont ask I just call Dr. Turners office. They said get him there ASAP. So I manage to get him in the car and get there. The nurse takes some vitals, rushes to get Diana--who is some kind of super fancy nurse. She pokes on David leaves and litterally three seconds later Dr. Turner walks into the room (who btw had no openings today). Dr. takes one look at Dave and tells the first nurse to call the ambulance. The fire department arrives first (now they know us REALLY well because of Tab) and David works on most of their vehicles. The ambulance arrives and Dr. Turner instructs them to take him to the NEAREST ER. He knows I prefer Mercy but explains if Davids appendix is reputuring there is no time to get all the way to Mercy. If felt like forever but we finally got to the old Norman ER. It was forever before they would let me back there with him. This is the point where I start crying because this man is half the reason I draw breath. Finally I get back there and he is still shaking all over and begging for help. The ER staff are working their butts off. They get an IV going and get some of the good pain meds in him and after about 5 minutes he stops shaking. Then a wonderfully nice man comes to take him to have a CT done of stomach. So again I am left waiting. Worrying my ass off because this is the very first time Tab has been left alone. Now, she can transfer to her wheelchair by herself and she assurred me she would be fine alone but I am her mother and I can worry if I damn well want to. When I am not worrying about her and/or David I am praying like a pentecostal on the last night of revival. And Sis (Susie Susie Davidson) being the wonderful person she is had already started a prayer chain for David. The CT came back showing David to have a large kidney stone and since he wouldnt go to the doctor earlier it has passed the point where they could have busted it up with untrasound so now he has to pass it. We finally got him home resting as well as possible. And Tab did just fine on her own. I sure hope tomorrow is a much calmer day.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:47:59 +0000

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