Okay, gang. Im going to address something here. This group was - TopicsExpress


Okay, gang. Im going to address something here. This group was created by myself, inspired by how I helped my wife Kelly Collins deal with her IH and Epilepsy by making her laugh at me, at my jokes and sometimes both. So everything I do here is inspired by the fight both emotionally and physically that all of YOU go through. Today there was (and still is) a post that some took offense to. This group is NOT for those that get offended at every comment that goes against their opinions about various things. I have made hundreds of memes in the past 2 years making fun of the government, doctors, nurses, insurance companies, friends, other IHers, pharmacies, side effects, commonly prescribed IH meds, our pets, Spiderman, Seinfeld, well-known commercials and yes, even myself. The point is that all of you are in different parts of the IH spectrum as far as suffering and dealing with this goes. And the minute this groups focus is about being offended by something in a meme, were missing the point of this group. If there is EVER a meme that is disrespectful to a person that in a way that is mean-spirited, or if a post is completely off-subject from IH or from what is going on in an IHers life, and even thats pretty broad, thats the only time Id consider removing a meme. The post earlier was about Obamacare, and please just remember why you come to this group in the first place. It is to hopefully smile and laugh and identify with some fellow IHers that really need a break from this. So, my point is PLEASE dont take offense to a meme about nurses if youre a nurse. Or if youre having vision problems please dont take offense to a meme about stumbling or walking into walls. Were here to laugh and realize we arent alone. So, as Ive said, if you are easily offended then this group isnt for you. We laugh here. We try our hands at being funny. None of us are professionals. We all are doing this on our own time, many of us after either suffering through another headache and nausea-filled day or after working. So, lets have some fun and remember that we need to concentrate on the 95% of the things that we all have in common, and not the 5% that we dont. Love you all and hope you all stick around. I hope this place is a benefit to your life in some small way. Thanks again.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:41:05 +0000

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