Okay loyal followers, heres extract one of two (As its Halloween) - TopicsExpress


Okay loyal followers, heres extract one of two (As its Halloween) of my novel in progress, The Lights. Check back later for extract number two... “Did you hear about the body they found on the beach?” Timmy asked, breaking through his mothers thoughts. “Totally mutilated. Everyone’s sayin’ its that new guy. You know, the one in the diner that always looks so miserable?” “Timmy, you shouldnt go round to listening to morbid gossip.” “I couldnt help it. The whole town was talkin’ about it.” Sally stopped with the clippers. “Really?” “Yeah. I heard that Sheriff Matthews wants the mayor to authorise a curfew.” “That sounds serious.” “I hope that it doesnt stop the game from goin’ ahead this weekend. The scouts from Notre Dame are gonna be there. A scholarship might be the only way I get into college.” Sally hoped it wouldnt get that serious. Merryville was used to dead bodies popping up out of the blue. It had recently been voted Americas weirdest town. But there had never been talk of a curfew before. It was the last thing she needed. “Are you okay, Mom? You look pale.” She smiled. “I’m fine, just felt a little dizzy. Lets get you looking good for the scouts, shall we?” Timmy turned back to the mirror. As Sally went to continue cutting, a loud clanking noise followed by grinding, erupted from the hair clippers. She switched it off and gave it the once over before turning it back on. The familiar buzz returned. “What the hell happened there?” Timmy asked with a frown. “Don’t know,” she replied, checking it again. “It was probably some hair getting jammed in the mechanism.” She put the blades against her sons head. It glided across and cut out a small chunk of hair, which fell to the floor. “It seems to be working okay now. Lets just hope it doesnt pack up halfway through and leave you with a Mohican.” They both laughed at her joke. At least they both still had a sense of humour. She couldnt believe that only a few moments ago she was thinking of selling herself to make money. There was no way it was ever going to happen. The love she felt for her son and what it would do to him was enough to ensure that. She would find another way. As long as they had each other, then they would manage. Somehow, everything would work out fine. It always did. “Ow! Its pulling my hair, Ma.” “What?” “Jesus Ma, stop. Its pulling my hair.” Sallys eyes grew wide in terror. “I-I cant move my arm. Oh my god, I cant stop.” Timmy writhed around in agony, as he tried to get out of the seat. The grinding and clanking noise was back. Then the clippers began to cut more than just hair. Huge strips of scalp began to fall limply to the floor, as Sally went backwards and forwards with the clippers. “Jesus Christ, I cant stop,” she screamed. Tears streamed down her face, as she listened to the agonised screams of her son. “Why cant I stop?” Blood began to spray all around the room in gruesome patterns. The cutting got faster and faster. She tried to pull her arm away, but it wouldn’t move. Something was causing it to act on its own. She looked up to the mirror. The beautiful face of her son was gone, only to be replaced by a mashed up, gory mess. She let out a high-pitched wail. The machine stopped. Everything was silent...
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:47:32 +0000

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