Okay, so whoever posted that Deviant by Callie Hart was free last - TopicsExpress


Okay, so whoever posted that Deviant by Callie Hart was free last night, might as well have given me a free sample of crack. I. Am. Addicted. Holy Zeth. I dont even mind that its a several (6, I think) book series because the installments are so intense I need the break to breathe between. And usually by the 3rd or 4th book Im kind of egh about a serial. Nope. Cant get enough. Read all four that are out in 24 hours and realized the 5th wasnt out yet. Cried a little. Felt like someone had taken all my cookies away. I know theres been some grumbling about the price and length and number of installments, but I know how much editing and covers and formatting cost so I get it. Its such a strong storyline with characters that I fell super in love with and so well written, Id happily hand her a twenty dollar bill for more Zeth right this second. *digs in purse* Anyone know this author? Im about to FB stalk her as soon as I post this. And tomorrow Ill gift ALL THE BOOKS in the Blood and Roses series on my author page because I was just looking for something completely different from my usual and they literally blew me away. Mind = Blown.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:49:48 +0000

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