Okay, while this is a terrible and tragic statistic, shoving this - TopicsExpress


Okay, while this is a terrible and tragic statistic, shoving this number under the noses of American citizens doesnt make it okay to shoot unarmed civilians, nor does it make it okay to permanently cripple or even kill a civilian by use of excessive force. No one wants to see anyone die during an arrest or attempted arrest. Not the officers and not the civilians whom theyre arresting. But this report, at this moment, after whats happened in the last few months, seems tainted and more like a cheap shot from a group with an agenda. Worse, it comes off sounding like, see what we have to deal with as law enforcement agents? Yes, we do see. But that doesnt make whats happened okay, that doesnt allow anyone with a badge and gun to just shoot someone out of fear. When you take the oath, when you go through the training, the lectures, the scenarios, when you pass the exams and physical tests, when you finally are given the privilege and honor of placing a badge upon your uniform, by that point, no one who has gone through all of the above, is under any illusion that youre NOT putting your life on the life on the line every single time you go out on patrol, every day you go to work to stop some bad people from doing horrible, evil shite to innocent, helpless people. But you know thats the job, you know thats the danger, once you accept the privilege and honor of being a police officer. At that point, youve placed yourself in harms way for the greater good and for the protection of the civilians which depend upon you for safety and security, and for the protection, safety and security of your fellow officers. None of that gives anyone with a badge and a gun the right to shoot an unarmed civilian. To tasar an eight year old girl. To kill a man through use of excessive force while the man is telling you he cannot breath. To tasar a 75 year old man to death. All of which have happened in the last few years all across this country. Dont believe these allegations? Then all youve got to do is Google them. Those and so many more have happened recently that its almost enough to make you not only fear men who wear badges, but hate them. Yes, the majority of by-the-book, safe, secure arrest made each day, each week, month and year, all across the country have been overwhelmingly performed as they should have been, by law enforcement agents in every level, from city to federal levels. But the statistics for shootings, deaths caused by excessive force (including six cops tasaring one man to death while making jokes about his writhing as he died!) have also risen to numbers that should scare the holy hell out of everyone who isnt a cop with a badge and a gun and apparently a license to kill civilians whenever they feel unsafe. These numbers, these statistics, these deaths, on both sides have got to be addressed before its too late. I refuse to believe that anyone in this country, including the police officers who place their lives on the line for my, your and everyone elses safety, want to live in a country in which this kind of horrifying murder on both sides happens. Weve got to stop this before it becomes too large to stop. People who fear are people who will do anything to feel safe again. Thats been true throughout human history, in every civilization. Ours is no different. The worst, bloodiest revolutions in history have been because of fear and hatred of authoritarian figures/representatives who abused that authority and those under their protection. When a citizen fears the protector more than the potential criminal, then thats when bad things begin to happen. Then no one is safe. No one is protected. There is no longer any such thing as security for anyone, badges or not.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:12:37 +0000

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