Old emotions and painful experiences are often unconsciously - TopicsExpress


Old emotions and painful experiences are often unconsciously imprinted into our physical bodies and held deep within our muscles and fascia, the millions of strands of fibrous tissue surrounding the muscles. Things like yoga, deep massage, and other forms of bodywork dont just heal our bodies. They heal the whole of our lives. With our willingness and intention, they have the ability to liberate us from the dark energy of our pasts that we might see more clearly in the present. I have used and still use the deep, sustained poses of restorative yoga to release the build up of years of trapped emotions. One day in pigeon pose (which opens the hip area, known by many teachers as the junk drawer or attic of emotions we do not wish to confront), I suddenly felt a wave of extreme anger pass through me, and I broke down crying. Yes, I was *that* person who expresses some awfully messy emotions in yoga class. Except I wasn’t doing it for dramatic effect (I have YouTube for that) or to get attention (I have Instagram for that) or even to seem “deep” (I have my day job for that). It was my first genuine experience of catharsis. Ive never thought of myself as an angry person, but I could connect the anger I felt on my mat that day with a long repressed emotion of my early childhood, and in that very moment, I chose to let it go. I relinquished my defenses. My eyes flowed with tears because my heart had softened and I knew the truth: I will always be loved and I need not defend against the world.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 20:24:44 +0000

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