Olive leaf infusion Ever since the dawn of time the olive leaf - TopicsExpress


Olive leaf infusion Ever since the dawn of time the olive leaf symbolises lofty concepts. In the Bible the dove holding an olive tree leaf in its beak symbolises the end of the flood and the olive branch symbolises peace and hope. The wonderful qualities of olive oil are well known to all of us, but did you know that you can also use the leaves of the tree? A variety of new studies reveal what our ancestors have known for centuries, an infusion made with the olive tree leaves is an extraordinary remedy that works against a variety of diseases and symptoms. Everything begins with phytochemicals. The phytochemicals are chemicals found in plants (phyto, in Greek, meaning plant) and their purpose is to protect the plant against diseases and pests are different. When we consume plants, we absorb the phytochemicals in our bodies and enable them to defend us from those hazards. One of these phytochemicals called olauropin and it is found in the olive tree leaf. The phytochemical found in the olive tree turns them into a veritable cure-all. Health benefits of olive leaf 1. delay and preventing cancer. Studies from 2010 and 2011 have found that the active ingredient in olive leaves can inhibit the culture of cancer cells in the breast cancer of sick women, culture and human leukemia melanoma cells taken from mice. In each case the phytochemical delayed the development of cancerous growth even caused the cells to commit a biological suicide. 2. bone construction Spanish study in 2011 found that olauropin encourages the production of bone-building cells (austiaovstim), and thus prevents a decrease in bone density and bone thinning fights 3. active anti-bacterial and anti viral Olauropin, and the additional material found in olive leaves called caffeic acid, have a unique feature which makes the leaves especially effective in fighting various micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses. These substances interfere with the production capacity of the free amino acids, and thus seriously compromise their ability to replicate and multiply. These substances work only against micro-organisms, and essentially get what antibiotics achieved-focused attack of the problem, instead of attacking the bacteria along with the body. 4. hydrating effect Olive leaves also contain many phenols, antioxidants neutralise the action of free radicals. Free radicals are active compounds that interfere with DNA creation procedure. Replication of damaged DNA that causes cells to grow old and so are we. 5. anti-inflammatory capabilities One of the most common uses of olive leaves is healing various infections in the body. The antiviral activity of olaurpin is causing the infection to reduce, thereby also improving the inflammatory condition. 6. lower blood pressure It was found that the olaurpin can relax the blood vessels, causing blood pressure to drop and prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, the olive leaf helps in cessation of cardiac arrhythmias, improve blood flow in the coronary arteries and balance blood sugar levels. 7. war on cholesterol In addition to all the benefits of olive leaf, able to fight the formation of bad cholesterol (LDL), by preventing its oxidation. Oxidized cholesterol is considered bad and detrimental to our health. 8. strengthening the immune system The phytochemicals found in olive leaves are also accelerating activities of vitamin c. this vitamin booster work better and help strengthen the stability of our immune system. 9. common cold As Greece is olive leaves work great against various viruses, they are great for prevention and treatment of diseases caused by viral infection, disease, they still may not cure the conventional medicine. Between the different oiralliot diseases can be found in the cold, flu and even herpes. 10. miracle cure As olive leaves work against bacteria, viruses and even against fungal infections (such as the Candida fungus), they are great for treating a wide variety of diseases. Among them are malaria, poliomyelitis, psoriasis, allergies, colds, tuberculosis, various infections (liver, lungs, teeth, ears and many others), chronic fatigue and more. How to make it? One of the greatest advantages of olive leaves for us, is the widespread distribution of the olive trees in this new world olive growing region. You can buy these in health shops, but these trees can be found in many gardens and groves. Preparation of olive tree leaf is not the same as preparing other infusions. Soaking the leaves in hot water is not enough to release the useful ingredients out, and need to make tea extract in accordance with the following instructions: Clean the leaves by soaking in water for several minutes, and then rinse them thoroughly under running water. Use large quantities of leaves (100-150) for every liter of water. In a pot over medium heat bring to a boil. Let simmer for 15 minutes (this is the most important step and actually useful substances are released). After cooking, transfer the essence (only water, without leaves) to glass bottles to store in the fridge. For tea making use small amount of essence (1/2 cm in the Cup) and add boiling water. Side effects Not found any side effects, other than effects of contraindication to anti-cancer chemotherapy medication. If you or someone you know is in chemotherapy, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting to drink the infusion. In addition, people with low blood pressure should pay attention to their blood pressure, so that the leaves dont reduce it further.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:22:23 +0000

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