On January 17th Governor Brown declared a drought emergency, and - TopicsExpress


On January 17th Governor Brown declared a drought emergency, and called upon all Californians to reduce their water use by 20% immediately. My first reaction - ABOUT TIME! State water officials say that California’s river and reservoirs are below their record lows. Manual and electronic readings record the snowpack’s statewide water content at about 20% of normal average for this time of year. These are Terrible numbers people! If you have any special techniques to reduce water usage, please share your ideas with your friends, family, neighbors, loved ones, and Me! I would love to hear your ideas! Here are mine: - I fill a glass of water to use when I brush my teeth instead of using the faucet. One glass is plenty of water for the task, and Im sure I use more than that when I use the faucet - even with turning the faucet off while brushing. - in the shower, after washing my hair and face, I turn off the water, soap up, and the turn the water back on when Im ready to rinse. - dish washing: I soap up my dishes before turning on my water, and then just rinse - i.e. I dont leave the water running the whole time (and yes - thats right. I dont have a dishwasher). - and of course, the good old saying, if its yellow, let it mellow. Clean Water Action gave these 10 tips for saving water: 1. Turn off the tap when you’re not using it. 2. Only run the washer or dishwasher when you have a full load. 3. Install low flow showerheads and toilets. 4. Purchase clothes washers and dishwashers that use less water. 5. Don’t flush the toilet with every use. 6. Turn off the automatic timer on the sprinkler during rainy season. 7. Plant drought-tolerant plants in your garden. 8. Install rain barrels to collect rainwater for watering your garden. 9. Recycle grey water and rainwater for use in your garden. 10. Never clean sidewalks and driveways using the hose; sweep instead.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 03:27:57 +0000

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