On Joel Osteen, A Conversation, And Who Can Judge? Saints of - TopicsExpress


On Joel Osteen, A Conversation, And Who Can Judge? Saints of God, brother Dan it is a great post in the whole scheme of things, about not judging and about supporting one another as soldiers in the same war, but actually skewed to a perspective that keeps us from holding one another accountable for what the real purpose of the Church is and the call of God upon every leader. None of us as followers of Jesus have the luxury of merely living the theology weve chosen to ascribe to. Instead we all have the responsibility to give the whole counsel of God, and that in, our respective callings. So what you find with all the so called nit picking is that people who know the whole counsel of God and really understand the scriptures are coming to realize that among our leaders is tremendous error in their theology and what they are espousing from the pulpits of America in particular and around the world by leaders seeking to emulate us is half truths, misconceptions and theologies born of men like Norman Vincent Peale and others. There is a certain humanism that says Your Okay, Im Okay why dont we all just love one another. That ideology masquerading as theology is against Gods concept of restoring order first to the follower of Jesus and then to the world. Preacher after preacher, whether its Jakes or Meyers or Parsley or Murdoch and many such leaders as we love have become and are little more than motivational speakers encouraging people to hold on because God is faithful and that you should keep your head up, stay in hope, in expectation of a brighter day, Gods got your back.....etc, but who is preaching about your individual and our corporate responsibility to be soul winners? Whose preaching the gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached and compelling men and women to be those laborers Jesus told His disciples to pray for that would go into the harvest preaching the same message Jesus preached. Dan I used to believe that Hagins message was Faith because that is what God gave Hagin, and Swaggarts is evangelism because that is what God gave him, and Parsleys is breakthrough and the galvanizing of a moral majority because that is what God gave him, and the prosperity message is what God gave Todd Koontz, Leroy Thompson and Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis, and well Joel Osteen, God gave him to preach hope, while Joseph Prinze preaches grace and so on....... Fact of the matter is that the Devil deceived us to believe that we can somehow be ministers without ministering the whole counsel of God so weve cherry picked scriptures that support our theological perspectives and have developed wrong concepts that lead to wrong conclusions and so 64,000 people sit in a church never discovering Gods first original purpose for man to be restored to the first dominion, the Kingdom that Adam lost, and man never discovers his personal assignment to be used of God to reconcile man back to God, restoring man through the ministry and word of reconciliation, but instead weve become narcissistic, consumer pseudo Christians with a subtle humanistic world view. There are 28,000 people in Creflos church, as many were also in Bishop Eddie Longs church both in Atlanta, and 30,000 in T.D. Jakes church and hundreds of women, over 100,000 are drawn to Jakes Women Thou Art Loosed conferences and no one really knows loosed to what, to experience more of God. Now before anyone stones me here is what Ive been sent to say....The church and its leadership as weve known it is not what Jesus intended when He told Peter that upon the Rock of revealed knowledge that He (Jesus) is the Christ, the Son of the Living God and that He would build His Church is not what the Church has become and yet $millions of dollars change hands as preachers all compete for the same audience. We indeed are to judge, but we are to judge righteous judgment and we are to reprove false doctrine but most people dont know how to discern error from truth so they ultimately call the truth a lie and the lie truth. Does God want to bless you, yes. Will you go through the challenges of life yes. Should your hope be in God, yes. But what is all of this really for and why is it that people like Osteen, Jakes, Parsley and others dont really get it? Here is the answer. Jesus did not establish the Church to become a mega business enterprise even though He is not against mega-churches. Jesus established the church to be the education arm of the Kingdom of God, that its leaders would equip the people, not to thrive in the worlds economy but that the people of God whether rich, poor and whatever their station in life, would be used of God being scattered abroad to the nations of the world to reconcile men and women back to God because this world is hurtling towards damnable devastation along with the false prophets, false teachers and apostles, pontificating bishops that hold themselves out to be venerating by the people such as the Pope does, and those who in a greedy covetousness make the error of believe that material wealth signals Gods approval or that being used of God somehow impresses Him. Those who are truly spiritual judge all things and are rightly judged of no one. So how do we cross the line of being mundane Christians no matter how charismatic we may be in our theology? How to we break the stronghold of pseudo consumer Christianity that certainly has dominated us at least the past 50 years for sure? How do we move into that realm, that dimension where we are no longer cherry picking scriptures and preaching half truths, lies and misconceptions based on wrong conclusions? We must go back to Jesus first instruction to the disciples and all that would follow Him as true disciples. We must return to Jesus as a child and listen to Him tell us, Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven/God is at hand/has arrived, believe the good news. Having come to such a place of childlike teachableness we now no longer seek to cherry pick scriptures but we begin now to look at everywhere Jesus preached the Kingdom of God in the gospels and the disciples preached the Kingdom through their epistles that we would finally understand that the whole of the Bible is about a King, His Kingdom and His royal family and we voluntarily, fully and without equivocation submit ourselves back to Jesus preached, taught and demonstrate doctrine of the Kingdom and we take up the same assignment Jesus gave the 12 and then the 70 to do. Dont forget, Jeremiah reveals Gods rebuke of His pastors who have not fed the flock but clothed themselves of the wool. Ezekial reveals Gods rebuke of His prophets who prophesy falsely in His name, prophesying peace when there is no peace and saying God said when God didnt say. God said these people prophesy out of the imagination of their own hearts, even stealing the words of other prophets, and all the while prophesying to a people who dont even have a mind to serve God, what they are really looking for is their breakthrough, looking to come into their season, looking to come into their divine destiny, but havent been instructed to preach the same Kingdom message Jesus sent His disciples to preach. And Jesus Himself reproves the scribes (book authors), Pharisees (religious leaders) and the Lawyers (those learned in the laws, principles and precepts) for having shut the Kingdom in mens faces, not entering the Kingdom and hindering those seeking to enter into the Kingdom. Jesus tells the Lawyers that they are as condemned to hell as the scribe and Pharisee are, along with the false prophet, false teacher and false apostle. Paul calls them liars, extortioners. So lets get back to the teachings of Jesus who never taught prosperity, never taught faith from the perspective weve endeavored to use, never taught hope without commitment to being used of God in the Word and ministry of reconciliation. So everyone is not a hater of this men and women of God and not seeking to throw them under the bus. But nor are we to become such respecters of persons, holding men in admiration who are preaching errors and misconceptions born of a theology that omits our priority to represent Gods government as His ambassadors, preaching the Kingdom and Christ to the nations of the world. Judy Jacobs prophesied that John McCain was going to be the next president and because of celebrity we the Body of Christ didnt really deal with the error. Kim Clement prophesied some erroneous prophesies and again we didnt deal with it, and Juanita Bynum is selling Hebrew prayer shawls as also is Bennie Hinn and we are not dealing with it, and Bishop George Bloomer is now selling anointing oil and handkerchiefs and we are not dealing with it, and all of them are saying send your financial support so I can take this gospel of Jesus Christ around the world and almost no one is preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ that He saves, or the gospel Jesus Christ preached and that is that the Kingdom has come and is yet also eternal to come. I am confident that when you, we, all of us repent, change our thinking and our direction, and bring ourselves more fully under God royal rule, authority, dominion and His very act of ruling over and through us we will see with greater discernment the errors the Church has fallen into and with righteous judgment we will reprove those who are in error while at the same time our words will impart grace to the hearers. Those who have an ear, let them hear. Study the Kingdom of God as preached, taught and demonstrated from Jesus, based on what He was instructed to deliver to the Church from the Father, and bare witness to the disciples preaching the same Kingdom message in a demonstration of power, and observe the Kingdom in the Book of Acts, and see the ministry of the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers representing the Kingdom of God, and oh my God, the people of God, the precious people of God as Benny Hinn would say....bare witness to what these men and women did when they were facing persecution. According to Lukes account in Acts 8 the apostles stayed at Jerusalem, but the people, the people of God who were scattered abroad, men and women, perhaps those who were added to the Church at the witness of the Holy Spirit, went everywhere preaching. In other words the people of God were not consumer Christians looking for a breakthrough or looking to come into their season or to sow a financial seed so that they could reap a harvest. They were men and women walking in their season as they were being obedient to the call of God the Father through His Son Christ Jesus to go throughout the world preaching that the Kingdom is present, that Jesus is the Messiah King of the Kingdom who was alive, died and rose again for our justification, these men and women reconciling men back to God through the ministry and word of reconciliation. So lets not say that we arent supposed to judge truth against error, truth against heresy and lets not say that we arent to reprove leaders who preach errors. Clearly the authority, responsibility and right has been given to the Church who will also judge angels. The $64 million question is, will the leaders and the people be teachable enough to repent, come back to Jesus and learn the Kingdom, that the true Church would emerge in the midst of such falsehood? Fact of the matter is that you can only answer for you. You be the Church that God sent Jesus to establish as an embassy, the education arm of the Kingdom of God, and may our leaders be those who help us to be rulers in training, disciplined students, disciples not of a mans theology but of the knowledge of God and Christ and the Kingdom just as Jesus preached. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His (Gods) righteousness.... Until this is done religion will masquerade as Gods original plan for man and every denomination and non-denominational group will expect to be accepted by one another under the mantra, Lets agree to disagree, at the end of the day because we all believe in Jesus we are still brothers. My friends that is not what Jesus said so neither are we to be speaking such things. We all are to preach the same thing Jesus preached, and do it not just in word but in power, and our love for one another is just but one more sign that we are all on one accord. I just heard this in my spirit and I believe I have the Spirit of God, His Spirit and my spirit communing together. Here is what I just heard: Am I my brothers keeper, yes I AM and therefore as my brothers keeper my brother must at all times be teachable so that correction can come if need be, that my brother would grow strong in the truth of Gods word and His original purpose for man. I AM my brothers keeper and my brothers/sisters must remain teachable in order to be kept. Ambassador, Dr. Leonard Robinson 267-357-9816
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:46:25 +0000

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