On Sunday night, November 9th, I stated in my prayer request to - TopicsExpress


On Sunday night, November 9th, I stated in my prayer request to all of you, I would so appreciate your prayers for Gods plan to be fulfilled and His will to be done. May the results be for my good, others good, and His Glory!!!! What do we do when our prayer requests are not answered according to our plan or our will? Monday night and yesterday I did what most of us frail human beings do........waffled back in-forth between shock, denial, anger, grief, bargaining with God, trying to control His plan and His will.......you know the drill!!! WE MAY ASK, WHY NOT A MIRACLE?? It is times like these when our faith is truly tested!!! Will we trust Gods plan and His will to be done?? The results of my liver biopsy revealed in the pathology report: metastatic carcinoma is..... 100% of tumor cells estrogen receptor positive.... 3 of the antibody tested for breast cancer were also positive. Metastatic mammary infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Breast cancer!!! The HER2 breast cancer study was negative. (I do apologize if all of this is over some of your heads and too medically scientific. Just trying to give you the Readers Digest version of the results as medically correct as possible.) These results brought to mind a paper I wrote for one of my college classes a number of years ago titled Where Does Science End and God Begin? Science doesnt have all the answers, but God does!!!! Thank you so much my precious family and friends for your faithful prayers. I am sure you were hoping for better results too. But remember we still continue to faithfully pray even though we dont always get the answer we want. Sometimes God answers yes, sometimes no, and sometimes He asks us to wait and trust Him. For we walk by faith, not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV). “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV). Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-7 (KJV) At this time my prayer request is that God will spare me the adverse side effects from the Xeloda (new oral chemo medication) that is being delivered to my door today. Yesterday marked the 17th anniversary of when I received the original diagnosis of stage 4 metastatic invasive ductal carcinoma. My prognosis was not favorable on November 11, 1997....Science gave me 18 months and at the most two years to live. To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has Done and Continues to Do!!! He has given me 17 more years that the doctors and scientific statistics claimed I wouldnt have!!! And oh what glorious years they have been. There are too many precious memories, exciting adventures, and many glorious blessings for me to share them all, but I will share just a few. Most special to me are the intimate relationships with my Lord Jesus Christ, my precious family, and many cherished and faithful friends. I have lived to graduate from undergrad and seminary/grad school. I have lived to joyfully witness the marriage of my son, Scott and daughter-in-law, Janet; my daughter, Diona and son-in-law, John and the precious gift of my three granddaughters; AnnMarie, Sydney, and Eastlyn. I have also been richly blessed by Gods calling on my life and His birthing of Doorway of Hope Counseling Ministries. God has honored and privileged me to walk with many clients on their journeys to hope and healing through faith, hope, love, and by His mercy and grace. Doorway of Hope Counseling has been Redeeming pasts, Changing futures, and Restoring hope for 14 years. The valley of despair will become the Doorway of Hope Hosea 2:14, 15. TO CLOSE THIS CHAPTER OF MY BOOK I HAVE ATTACHED A MEDLEY OF TWO SONGS THAT I USE TO SHARE AS SPECIAL MUSIC FOR CHURCH, RETREATS, SEMINARS, AND CONFERENCES BACK IN 1998-2004.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:58:28 +0000

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