On assumptions, jumping to conclusions, and the like re: Michael - TopicsExpress


On assumptions, jumping to conclusions, and the like re: Michael Brown Homicide by Cop in Ferguson, MO, just to clarify my overall position to-date, the following is what I wrote to a dear Friend. _______________________________ We can write that we agree to disagree [name deleted by kb] if you want, but it would not be accurate or apply. 1. Cop is innocent until proven guilty (thats a given for me ALWAYS) despite appearances and public opinion. Thus and so, we are in agreement on that all-important principle, and 2. Senseless violence and looting is wrong and illegal. We are in agreement on that as well. My MAJOR ISSUES: 1. a teenager was seemingly by eyewitnesses shot to death after he surrendered, 2. the shooter is a trained Police Officer with 6-years of experience, 3. poor local investigation ensued, 4. lack if transparency and accountability, 5. not releasing Officers name until a week AFTER the homicide, 6. not yet releasing the incident report (different from investigation report), 7. not yet releasing 1st autopsy, 8. a head prosecutor with a documented history of bias in favor of Police x23-yrs., 9. prosecutors Father was a cop killed in the line of duty by a black man, 10. prosecutor wont recuse himself dispute aforementioned obvious conflicts of interests (and then some that I havent enumerated here), 11. prosecutor controls what evidence is and is not presented in a grand jury to decide whether to indict cop in connection with Mikes homicide, 12. All legal elements of probable cause necessary to arrest and charge Officer without grand jury indictment are fully met, 13. prosecutor refuses to issue warrent for officers arrest, 14. MO Gov. wont replace prosecutor and assign a special prosecutor, and 15. Ferguson PD, MO, county head prosecutor office on this case, law enforcement and related legal entities spanning North America are contaminated with systemic institutional racism leading, largely, to massively disproportionate killings and incarcerations of Latinos, African Americans, and other darker skin Peoples. No, wrong again [name deleted by kb]. I dont assume this cop is guilty, at the moment, of anything more than what the autopsy, Chief of Police, and what multiple eye witnesses observed from when the middle of the street stop took place until the sixth shot rang, and up to perhaps what occured next at the scene. Therefore, [name deleted by kb] I guess if we have anything to agree to disagree about ... Id suggest that we do so about who between us is the one making assumptions and jumping to conclusions about the other and regarding this case. Im out now. Love ya, -XX, ~me
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 23:41:56 +0000

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