On reflection and after listening to general comments from people - TopicsExpress


On reflection and after listening to general comments from people the same as you and i, what a disaster of chemical laden deodorants there are on the market for the unsuspecting consumer at the expense of our health....beware of products labeled as natural always take care to understand the ingredients list, as a general rule of thumb if a product has an ingredients list 10cm deep with words to long to comprehend or you have never heard of ,then its probbably not natural. Be careful of hidden ingredients ie; potassium alum is actually aluminium and in my opinion the leading cause of breast cancer. Did you know that the clothing stains from chemical deodorants are often caused by the aluminium also .Honesty and integrity so often go astray for the sake of mass production and monetary gain, the way the world is today warrents a little time taken to assess how many chemicals we are actually putting into our bodies through our skin, not an easy task with media flooding our thoughts with images of beauty for every product we see despite its possible content. Our bodies largest organ is our skin, our skin has an average surface area of 21 square feet, it acts as a filter protecting our body from bacteria and poisons but will absorb most anything we put on it, as public awareness grows hopefully so will integrity and the reduction of preventable loss of life.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 07:56:07 +0000

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