On the 18th of September 2014 the people living in scotland get - TopicsExpress


On the 18th of September 2014 the people living in scotland get the chance on the biggest issues on the way we are governed for more than 300 years . This is not or ever had anything to do with any religious or ethnic groups that you are from or the ideas theses groups follow . This is very much about YOU and where YOU want Scotlands future to be. ( This is more about your children and your childrens children than you ) Take time out from your busy lives not just to listen to politicians of any party but to look for information on the benifits or losses for Scotland from academics with no ties to the UK or Scotland . I would also like to ask yourselfs a simple question are theses Westminster MPS genuinely looking at whats in the best interests of Scotland or whats in the best interests for them selfs . Take a minute to think about this !!! If you were a Westminster MP and were being paid £70,000 a year with the luxury of a huge expenses account would you want to make yourself redundant . This will not stop them making our soldiers / nurses / service personnel and civil servants redundant to cut costs ( SELF GREED CAN BLIND MOST PEOPLES JUDGEMENT ) Im not writing this to try and persuade anyone from voting yes or no on the 18th September its more to do with asking you to think what this will mean for the next generation when YOU not them put your X on the ballot paper and put it in the ballot box.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:51:14 +0000

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