On this day in 1966, Major General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi - TopicsExpress


On this day in 1966, Major General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi (pictured) led Nigerias first coup. His reign, though, wouldnt be long; he would end up being assassinated just months later. Face2Face Africa reports: By this time, Nigeria was split across ethnic and religious groups: It was known to the public that Aguiyi-Ironsi was Igbo and many found it curious that no other Igbo people were killed among the known victims and that many of Aguiyi-Ironsis troops were also Igbo. People in the North began to suspect that Aguiyi-Ironsi showed favor to his own people and was drawing tribal battle lines. Aguiyi-Ironsi did his best to dial down the claims of conspiracy and even offered political appointments to other tribe members. However, because Aguiyi-Ironsi didnt put the Igbo coup plotters on trial and placed Igbo people in high-profile political positions, the fear that his ruling was a sort of tribal domination increased. Watch video of his funeral here: https://face2faceafrica/article/johnson-aguiyi-ironsi
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:12:00 +0000

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