Once again we have an example of truth in Tweeting. Upon the - TopicsExpress


Once again we have an example of truth in Tweeting. Upon the news of Fast & Furious actor Paul Walkers death in an automobile accident, Liberal feminist editor Erin Gloria Ryan tweeted Saturday night, why couldnt it be scott walker :( She has now deleted the tweet and apologized. However, her words reveal much and illustrate a basic principle of life: People blurt what theyre really thinking. She meant what she tweeted. She meant it because she is motivated not by right or fairness, but by hate and envy. She revealed her true disappointment that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker wasnt killed in a flaming car wreck. This happens quite a bit in the leftosphere, as celebrities and politicians (who, frankly, see themselves as celebrities) make rash statements and must apologize later. However, they sometimes stand by their hateful statements and double down on them because theyre so drunk with their own celebrity they cant imagine that they could be wrong to say such horrible things. Yes, I know statements like this are also made in conservative circles. Ive seen them. Ive also seen a lot of trolling by leftists posing as conservatives, making hate-filled statements, deeply racist remarks, accusations of homophobia, etc. Many of these are so far over the line of decency that it is obviously the work of leftists seeking to undermine credibility, and Ive seen many cases where those who frequent online discussion forums recognize the work of certain trolls and expose them for what they are. Another trait of leftists utilizing online anonymity is the use of profanity. Use of the F word is abundant in the circles of leftism, and it flows freely in the realm of social media. Generally speaking, conservatives are far less likely to use such profanity because of their conservative regard for manners and decency. Generally speaking, leftists have far less regard for such manners and decency because they see them as restrictive and imposed upon them unfairly, so they lash out using such profane utterances for the shock value they deliver. Simply put, decent people dont use indecent language - unless theres a hammer and a thumb involved, them some discoloration of the air may occur. So, when you see such statements in social media as that of Ms. Ryan, remember that in spite of any apologies which may follow, they really meant what they said. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart[a] brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. ~ Luke 6:45
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 15:16:49 +0000

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