Once upon time, in the Ancient Greece humanoids leaders emerged - TopicsExpress


Once upon time, in the Ancient Greece humanoids leaders emerged with peculiar characters of leadership styles and practices, morento was among these leaders, illiterate morento under his leadership thrived under cover of proletariats in opposing civilization of man kind little did he know that change is inevitable, as civilization regain momentum in entire Europe morento lost the entire support from proletariat because the truth of civilization was felt even by his kinsmen. WHO IS LEMPURKEL? Lempurkel to me his Humanoid leader just the same as morento from the famous critters , i have hypothesized his leadership with T - test ( pokot community) as a sample population because am a pokot by nature of birth and i drew my conclusion that lempurkel is indeed current morento, this guy has continued to marginalize my community for his selfish interest and political incorrigibility instead of coming up with substantial developments he becomes morento in our own cocoons, you hate the few pokot professionals in from laikipian North because of your phobia towards a skilled and educated pokot community. you have done enough for the owner to see, we pokots have become your proletariat BUT let me tell u that pokot have come of age and it only a matter of time you morento aka lempurkel will kiss good bye the leadership OF PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE. because you dont deserve to be one
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:33:42 +0000

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