One cannot turn to the left or to the right lately and not see or - TopicsExpress


One cannot turn to the left or to the right lately and not see or hear of all the torcher and tribulation that is going on now and seemingly full blown. For this reason I have felt lately that we need to as a global body begin to collectively begin to come together more diligently in intercession prayer. I can think of several reasons why somebody else might be more effective and suitable in suggesting this but I cannot think of one reason why I should sit back and wait when it is so heavy o my heart to do so, so I will start and I am praying that you will please join with me. It really is not about me but there are souls crying out right now, Where are those who are Christs when the situations are extremely dire! Now is the time! Now! We must come together now. So here I am... There are many things that we could talk about or continue to dumb numb down and lullaby to sleep. Honestly Beloved in Christ how can we continue daily on our ways anymore? In all consciousness we cannot! We must stand up and begin to fight violently I this hour with both God love and intercession prayer as One Bride. (And the violent take it by force).. Let us begin to cry out together here on fb while we yet have our freedoms to do so. Let our inner beings burn with prayer.. Be it this simply today.. Father we come before You In Awe and honor. There is none liken to You, and because You are Who You say that You are We turn to You Now in Prayer. We lift up every Christian who has undergone persecution. Father, those who are hungry, thirsty, running for their life and homeless. Those whose eyes have seen horrors and of isis. This is simple but I believe it we need to come together out from our private groups and come together unashamedly, boldly and openly.. Father we thank you for pouring Your supernatural provision right now. For giving them a safe place to abide and people who will stand up against these wrongs! Father we also pray for those who have been beguiled by isis. May You Bring these souls to salvation and bring them into Your Kingdom purpose for Your glory. We lift up Israel and pray for their rest and salvation as well. Thank You for all that You have done in revealing Yourself and pouring out miracle after miracle because you love Your people and desire that we would know You in Your fullness of character and nature. To You be all honor, power, glory and worship forever and ever through the name of Jesus amen.. Please let us start a prayer chain in this hour...Regardless, either way I believe that it is time to pray collectively and see the mountains move because Gods people who are called by His name come together united and pray seeking His face. Please consider adding whatever is on your heart to pray. Prayer is essential ad a true God given privilege.. AND There is Power in prayer to turn anything around. God honors the prayer of His Beloved. May you be blessed today. ~Teri
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:05:04 +0000

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