One interesting fact is lost in all the discussion ongoing about - TopicsExpress


One interesting fact is lost in all the discussion ongoing about the Ukraine/Crimea/Russia/US imbroglio ongoing, and that is the money question. The bible tells us that where your treasures are is where your heart is, and the same has to be true about nations and how they spend their treasures, too. Let’s take a look at how the United States is spending its treasures abroad in its foreign policy adventures. The number is being tossed around that the United States has spent somewhere in the region of $5 billion dollars in the Ukraine since 1992—exact amounts and exact dates are vague but the USG hasn’t seen fit to deny the reports— most on ‘democracy promotion’.* This does not include any black budget funds—secret spook money–spent in Ukraine which funding is apt to be sizeable lately. Exactly how that money has been spent can’t be said from the information given, but judging from such records as exist most of it has been spent on electoral politics type things, the orange and now brown revolutions, and if you looked at how American political campaigns spend money you’d have a pretty good idea of how the money has been spent. The money gets given to politicians and spent by them on PR and parties. There is nothing left to show for all the money spent on a political campaign—the money doesn’t stick around and leave anything behind. Same has to be true of our $5 billion in the Ukraine—the Ukrainians will have no schools, no highways, no power plants and electric lines, no educated professionals, nothing for all that money.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 04:02:54 +0000

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