One of the gretest unsolved question for many years is Is light - TopicsExpress


One of the gretest unsolved question for many years is Is light the ultimate speed in the universe ?????? According to E.S its the ultimate and no moving elements in universe cant be more than that......He made an equation which satisfied the infinity probability of getting faster speed than light For an area of research dealing with fantastic speeds, progress on faster-than-light (FTL) travel is ironically very slow. Since early last century, weve been hamstrung by Albert Einsteins proved-and-proved-again speed limit of light, which is 186,282 miles per second in a vacuum. Even if we could accelerate a spacecraft to this speed—which itself would require an improbable energy breakthrough—a round trip to Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to us at 4.3 light-years away, would take almost a decade.So to create a future resembling anything like the solar-system–hopping in Star Trek, well need to find a way around relativity. Several experiments, such as the one led by Princetons Lijun Wang, which PM reported in 2000, and another by German researchers in 2007, have produced the appearance of light breaking its own racing rules. In the first case, the scientists readily admitted that no mass or information breached the speed of light, but that a pulse of light (a group of massless waves) did. In nonvacuum conditions, pulses of light measured at different points can seem to travel at ludicrous speed, or faster than light for any Spaceballs fans—but that wouldnt actually help us reach for the stars. The 2007 experiment remains controversial and, given vagaries of measurement, has many physicists unconvinced that anything Einstein-defying has actually occurred.Quantum entanglement, however, is one phenomenon where information does seem to travel at faster-than-light speed, says Gerald Cleaver, a professor of physics at Baylor University. It works as follows: When a property of one of a pair of particles is measured, the second particle near simultaneously also assumes this property, apparently regardless of the distance separating the particles. In 2007, researchers set the record distance for entanglement of photons—some 89 miles (144 kilometers) between two of the Canary Islands—and an experiment in 2008 clocked the speed of entanglement as at least 10,000 times that of light. This spooky action at a distance, as Einstein famously derided it, continues to fry brains, physicists included, and its not clear if it just might be the sort of window into new frontiers of physics that leave light in the dust someday. Perhaps the best hope for ever making the jump to hyperspace lies in our remaining ignorance. Theres certainly new physics left to be discovered, says Marc Millis, the former leader of NASAs Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program and founder and current president of the Tau Zero Foundation, a group dedicated to bringing about interstellar travel. Millis points to the two dark phenomena as clear examples: dark energy, the force swelling the cosmos at an ever-faster rate, and dark matter, the mysterious preponderance of the universes material that, among other inferred effects, prevents rotating galaxies from disgorging their contents as they whirl. Add to those the fact that the cosmos, by our best reckoning, expanded much faster than the speed of light shortly after the Big Bang, and that general relativity is cool with space–time itself trumping light speed, and all hope is not yet lost for abolishing the current universal speed limit
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 13:51:46 +0000

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