One of the keys to the success of our Boot Camp members longevity - TopicsExpress


One of the keys to the success of our Boot Camp members longevity in our program among many other things is that in 8 years of training three classes per day you know the schedule is planned out for the entire year and I will never cancel Boot Camp on you. We have trained in torential down pouring monsoons, haboobs, tornados and yes, 118 degree weather all the way through and down to 23 degree weather with 40 mile per hour winds! We have had dirt blown up our noses and rain down our pants. Some of which was pretty fun and for some not so fun! BUT...Thank Heavens, for Arizonas fabulous weather, because all of the above is so few and far between. We truly are so blessed to have such an amazing environment to shred our lean muscles, shed unwanted body fat and cultivate a healthy lifestyle and friendships with some pretty amazing people! I put together our 2015 calendar year start dates so you can know when the 4 week Boot Camps and 12 week Boot Camps begin. They are also helpful with planning your own family vacations around when I am on vacation. The 4 blacked out weeks that I am on vacation I still encourage those who want to workout to still meet as friends and train with one another. I am completely comfortable with having someone from Boot Camp lead you and this winter break it will be Ana Lindfors in the 5:30am sessions. Michelle Amado (cute little Shaes mom) for the 9am sessions and Letty Kaufman for the 5:30pm sessions. I have taken some time to reflect upon some of the things I would like to change in the coming year to help us to all be more successful. The workouts we have been doing lately have been, well...seriously intense if I do say so myself! I have been studying and receiving certifiactions which help me to be a better trainer and this means giving you the healthy fit body you desire within the little time I have with you. One of the things I want to change that I am not so thrilled about is with my habit of arriving right within minutes of when we start working out. Yep, there I said it! I am not happy with this little habit. Originally, my intent was to arrive 5-8 minutes before class began, but with traffic increasingly jammed near these busy crossroads its just not happening! My original intent to not coming early was actually put into place for good intentions and based upon years of experience. For years when I did arrive early I found myself wrapped up in conversations which distracted me from being fully prepared to help all of you take out the trash and hurt your fat feelings when it was time to start class! So...yes, one of my New Years Resolutions is to become a little less on the spot punctual and instead arrive a few minutes earlier. There are a few other things i am working on, but I will reveal those things in the weeks to come. I once again want to say how truly blessed I feel to be working wih each of you! I am more grateful for each of you than you can actaully comprehend and l am truly looking forward to a New Year filled with JOY, LAUGHTER & LOVE and LESS LOVE HANDLES!!!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 08:34:01 +0000

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