One of the mysteriously questions is asking about the “shape of - TopicsExpress


One of the mysteriously questions is asking about the “shape of the universe”. Interestingly curiosity by Brian! Of course the answer is following the full understanding of universe and how it is working? The last is already pretty clear as to take into account the last and very powerful theory and it is USM kanevuniverse Let begin with this: Brian interesting question: “can the universe expand faster than speed of light” and you answer “yes because the space itself can expand as well”. Well, I’m not convinced that this is the right answer…why? Let me explain: According to USM kanevuniverse the expansion of the universe looks like this only from our point of observation – radius position of our Sun in our galaxy, which means that because our Sun was born on the center of our galaxy (almost on the center), during its movement towards the periphery and aging, more and more new masses (from our galaxy and then beyond) comes to existence (only for us) and more and more masses add towards the inertia of beginning ones, which disturbs the equilibrium between the centripetal and centrifugal forces in any existing so far orbital systems and to restore the equilibrium the space begin to expand (see USM). That is possible because in the universe doesn’t exist absolutely independently space, but only as a distances between the masses, which always are formed through orbital systems. Whether this expansion is actually real or not? For us it is real, but if we lift in the over space where our galaxies are atoms (nuclei) there and take a look down towards our galaxy we can’t see any expansion, but only (if we can see so much accurately) that our sun together with other neighboring stars simply shifting towards the periphery of the galaxy and they places are taking by another coming from the center stars. So the expansion of the universe from our position of observation (the Sun) actually is the moving of the Sun towards the periphery, looking from “above” , which means that the expansion of the space (or the same the universe) can’t reach the speed of light! Let see also these two articles and then we should make some conclusions: What is the essence of the energy in the universe itself and from where it comes from and what is its value? From page 96, 97, 98 USM kanevuniverse follows that in the beginning of springing up of Our space the full energy is equal to zero for us. Then with thickening of the micro cosmos and expanding of macro cosmos due to the asymmetry of these coefficients, which depends by our position of observation in this case our living position, we have the illusion that the energy for us is increases, because we are close to the nuclei of the atoms rather than the stars and galaxy. But the macro cosmos expands more rapidly by the same reason, so full energy in our space is again equal to zero. So it is seen that the energy is “one reality in the illusion”, as well as the world itself! See USM kanevuniverse So by this very elegant way (haw has liking to said Einstein himself) is determinates one of the most mysterious physical phenomenon in the universe! If You see part I USM kanevuniverse You can see that the essence of the field (any field, see part II) actually explain how the orbiting object upon which is applies centripetal force creates its own field (centripetal acceleration directed at the center of this object). In fact belated contra action of the centripetal force of the main attracting body creates this field of the attracted object and there is no matter what kind of orbiting curved line this object describes, because in the universe there it isn’t absolutely space, but the space is only distance between the bodies. That is so called by me, belated functions and it is obviously that if the field (light) moves supposedly with endless velocity, on the universe shouldn’t be any fields and hence messes and the universe will be empty - absolute nothing. So the limited velocity of field (light) movement actually create all fields and therefore all objects in the universe and makes it full of life! Now let begin: From the first article follows that if we are part from the space which we observe it looks like endlessly, because together with our aging (moving of the Sun from the center of our galaxy towards the periphery) the visible for us space continuously is expands and this runs in accelerating mode. When we begin in the center of our galaxy, our “universe” was this very first proto particle which looks like that the universe is limited and its size and energy inclines to zero in this very first moment of very first formation of “mass” – our mass! As to take into account this: Very interesting question: “whether the speed of light is absolutely…” Of course not, but this is related only to the constant of light spread like a real number, not as a limited which we can’t reach! What I mean? Firstly see pages: 94 to 98 and pages: 198 to 202 USM kanevuniverse here was delivered these formulae: r=h/(C.m) where: r – is the resonance radius of the particle; h – is the constant of Plank; C – is the velocity of light; m – is the mass of particle; and this formula: C_i=m_p/m_i .C where: C_i - is the constant of velocity of light (like a real number) about the different possible worlds (see shown pages); m_p - is the mass of proton; m_i - is the mass of current stable particle about current possible world; C – is velocity of light in our world where the velocity of light has this value (C). As it is seen on the shown above pages the resonance radius is connected with the mass of the particle which is stable particle in examined world and the real number of the velocity of spread of the field in this possible world. The important conclusion is not only possibility to be created “Oracul” (see the pages), but more importantly is the consequence that on the center of our galaxy (in fact any galaxy) where are situated and was born the proto particles the limited constant of spread of field (“light”) is different like a real number compare to this value in our space which is (C). That is one of the reasons that we can’t see the central zone of any galaxy! And according to second and third articles, we can clarify the picture of “our universe” its size and evolving and its end. And obviously our universe is one reality in the illusion. But it isn’t the truly “absolutely universe”, because according to the first article: “looking from above there it isn’t any expansion, our galaxy is the atom (nucleus) on sodium in the over space and if we can see our Sun…it simply is shifting towards the periphery of our galaxy – atom of sodium in the over space”. So what is actually the absolutely (mathematically) universe? That is endlessly sequence of sub spaces and over spaces where the atoms (nuclei) in our space are galaxies from the sub space and galaxies in our space are atoms (nuclei) of the over space (and so on) and all these is connected and it is consequence by the way of field (masses) creation, see part I, part II USM kanevuniverse That is the truly absolutely universe, but what is the real truly universe? The things are already clarified, simply we have to take into account that the connection between the spaces is a constant defined in part II (USM) and it is time constant which is 〖10〗^31 folds and linearly is the same about distances connection. So when in our space passes 1 second in the sub space passes 〖10〗^31 seconds and when in the over space passes 1 second in our space passes 〖10〗^31 seconds! The same are the proportions about the distances as well! So becomes clear that even the closest spaces to ours almost don’t exist such as radiation and distances! Then what about more distantly spaces? Their existence practically absent not for us, but for the absolutely universe! That is real truly universe! G.Kanev
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:04:16 +0000

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