One of the things I really despise about online marketing because - TopicsExpress


One of the things I really despise about online marketing because it gives our industry a bad name, is the tremendous amount of false hype. Hey make $200,000 for a $19 investment, invest $50 and get back $400, no selling, sit back and do nothing, blah blah blah blah blah. What a bunch of horse s**t!! Anyone who tries to convince you of this kind of hog wash is as full of crap! False hype is aimed at the newbies who come into the industry blinded by dollar signs, and the promise of quick riches. Well heres a message for ya. THERE AINT NO SUCH THING!! MLM, network marketing, affiliate marketing, they all take hard work and dedication and the proper training. It helps supportive upline wholl be there for you when you need them. It takes being a part of a strong support group of people who are dedicated to helping each other. But most of all, it takes sticktuativeness. If you lack any of these, you might as well be shoveling s**t in the wind blowin your way! However, if you have all these things going for you, whether it takes six months or 2 years to reach financial freedom, you will succeed! Thats a hell of a lot less time than it would take were you to go to a 4 year college. And even then youre not guaranteed a good paying job. And even if you do find a job in your field, youre only making some one else rich. And if your boss cant afford a Cadillac Escalade, you can be sure that he/shes gonna make damn sure you wont be able to either. So hear me when I say, dont, and I repeat, DONT fall for all the BS hype! There is no such thing as get rich quick, unless its illegal or immoral. People who spew such crap would sell their own mother for a buck and should be sterilized so they cant procreate! Do not jump into a biz opp with both feet till youve done your DD. And get it through your head, its gonna take more than just a few months before youll be able to quit your job. You must give any biz opp at least a one year commitment of all youve got, other wise stick with your freakin day job. Dont be something Society insists you become, become what you want to be!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:37:33 +0000

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