One of those thought provoking mornings! Change nothing, and - TopicsExpress


One of those thought provoking mornings! Change nothing, and nothing changes! Become the change you seek to find! This morning I have big dreams and even bigger goals! So as not to be too cryptic... Diet changes! Im not talking about starting a Diet I mean literally making permanent changes for my health! Approximately 7 years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease. For the longest time, I made jokes about this... Great, I have an autoimmune thyroid disease, named after some Japanese guy, that is mostly pro-dominant is women! It effects my energy, my mood, my skin, and supposedly my hair. (I can joke about this because my hair is short! lol) It is hereditary, and manageable with medication. No big deal has been my thought for most of that time. There is a list of serious conditions that I will spare you all of, and I was told by my doctor that if I keep it under control with medication, it is no problem. Heres my problem... Today I was reading an article of the Mind, Body, Green website that was talking about Gluten and the top ten (overlooked) signs of gluten sensitivity, what was smack dab in the middle? Hashimotos Disease!!! So, I decided to put google to use. Turns out over the past 3 years there has been significant research to suggest that a lot of Hashimotos symptoms are in fact, from gluten! Again... My mind kicks into gear! Im reading on about how this sensitivity effects joints, and a whole slew of other things that I honestly, probably deal with but over-look. (i.e. Digestive problems, weight gain!) So, now aside from aspiring to become plant-based, Im now looking at the, quite honestly, DAUNTING task of becoming gluten free!!! Which means 0 gluten!!! Even the smallest trace can take months to exit the body! This for me, is the elephant in the room!!! Ive thought about doing this before, but honestly... It just seems too difficult! I mean, gluten is truly EVERYWHERE!!! But... What if it makes me feel better? I mean, that was, and is, my goal for becoming a plant-based, cringe to say... Vegetarian! This requires more homework! And... To be completely honest, discipline and determination that I probably dont have!!! Yes! You are reading probably one of my most heart-felt, honest posts! This is my struggle!!! Looks like tomorrow I will be calling to schedule an appointment with my doctors! Again... Time to do homework, and go in with the utmost knowledge, and a line of questions, also being prepared to be told a diet change wont be enough! But... What if it is? Im not looking for the Fountain of youth! Just the Fountain of ME!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 14:53:39 +0000

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