One year and twenty five weeks ago Ive felt the pulse of three - TopicsExpress


One year and twenty five weeks ago Ive felt the pulse of three hearts. One was mine, but the others were unique...they belonged to my two little angels who where taking form within me. On Christmas while I was 25 weeks pregnant, I had a mild car accident, which I never thought it will cause me early contractions. 31 December I was rushed to the emergency and kept there till the 2nd of January, when I left under my consent and after taking two shots which would help my little angels develop their lungs faster. Everything was going ok until the second day since I got home, when I started having contractions and I had to go to a private hospital. Around 3.30am, my water broke. I said to myself this is it. I arrived with the ambulance at Mater Dai Hospital shivering and in excruciating pain, leaving me breathless.At 6.50am I entered into surgery giving birth to my little girl Angelina, weighting 860gr. Three minutes later, at 6.53, little Gerarld came into the world, weighting 870gr.I saw a photo my husband took of them that same day; nothing seamed out of the ordinary, they appeared to be normal size.The second day, I visited them in NPICU and I cant describe the pain and worries overwhelming me. They were so tiny that all those machines seamed to cover them completely. My heart skipped a beat every time i heard the sounds of those machines. I sat next to them for hours, trying to help in any way possible and I learned a lot of things from the nurses and doctors who were in charge of our situation; I would like to thank again the whole hospital staff who supported us and our babies.Gerards health was deteriorating, he was hemorrhaging from his brain and lungs, his arteries were plugged up and there was blood coming through his mouth.His chances of survival were slim to none, despite all the doctors efforts.My husband and I were praying day and night, hoping that God will spare the lives of our babies and give them a chance to live.We put all our efforts, faith and hope into God and suddenly against all odds they started recovering. their will to survive overcame their condition and gave us the joy of becoming parents. Two and a half months later we brought our little Gerard home ,his weight was 2.500gr and two weeks after his arrival we brought Angelina home,her weight was 3.000gr.I cant express in words the emotions that fill my heart seeing our two little babies out of harms way and living normal joyful lives. I always had the fear that something bad might happen, but as time passed I got over it. It is a very long and emotional story and journey I cannot express in any amount of words.We are so thankful to God that He granted us the opportunity and blessing of raising these two little angels, as well as the Hospitals staff that gave us hope and strength in our time of need.Thank you Gerard and Angelina for not giving up and being strong for us. Lastly I want to thank my husband for supporting my decisions in raising them. Today we celebrate them LUCKY birthday
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 05:29:28 +0000

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