Onegaishimasu: word usage Can be used as an expression of request - TopicsExpress


Onegaishimasu: word usage Can be used as an expression of request (as in please do something for me), good will, or appreciation The Meaning of Onegaishimasu By Jesse Enkamp Today, when I walked to the dojo, something remarkable happened. You see, when I cross the road at pedestrian crossings, I never press the button. You know – that button that turns the lights red for all the cars, so that we humble pedestrians may cross without being mashed down? Yeah, that one. “Why not?” you might be asking. Well, I know it sounds a bit stupid, but the reason I don’t press the button is because I’d rather wait for cars to cross, than have the cars wait for me to cross. After all, I’m not the one spewing fumes (though I’m known to fart occasionally), ruining our environment and all. So, I let all cars pass and then walk. I don’t mind waiting if that’s what will save this planet from damnation. However, today when I was patiently waiting for three cars to drive by, the second car suddenly stopped. So I looked at the lights, thinking they must be out of function, right? I mean, why would anybody stop if they didn’t have to? I certainly hadn’t pressed any button. So, I’m looking at the driver, who is sitting in some kind of pickup truck, and he waves me over! He’s literally signaling with his hand that I should cross the street, even though he has a green light! I was stunned for about half a second, then I quickly jogged over the road, waving an enthusiastic “thanks!” to him as he slowly starts rolling again. I was amazed. ... In that moment, we shared the feeling of “onegaishimasu”; a word (mis)used so frequently in Karate that it has lost any real meaning. Full article: Jesse Enkamp, The Meaning of Onegaishimasu karatebyjesse/the-meaning-of-onegaishimasu/
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 07:20:00 +0000

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