Our government has adopted a new marketing name for amnesty – - TopicsExpress


Our government has adopted a new marketing name for amnesty – “a pathway to citizenship” and “comprehensive immigration reform.” The United States has had a “pathway to citizenship” in place for more than 200 years. Millions of legal American immigrants have used that pathway, called immigration and naturalization. Any non-citizen from a foreign land can apply for legal entry into the U.S. – by way of a Green Card, or temporary Work Visa or Student Visa. They can apply for and receive full U.S. citizenship, and the process is so simple that fourteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were actually in the U.S. legally. Illegal aliens don’t like the existing legal pathway to citizenship, so they are demanding a new pathway to citizenship, via comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. Amnesty is to forgive one of their crimes, free from prosecution or punishment. It’s most commonly used in cases where numerous people commit the same crimes, and it becomes expedient to forgive them of those crimes due to the costs associated with prosecuting and punishing those crimes. Yet an estimated twenty million illegal migrants have chosen to ignore that legal pathway to citizenship and opt for what we used to call “squatter’s rights.” In the case of illegal migrants, Mexicans largely coming across the southern border simply assert that their mere presence (squatting) on U.S. soil makes them a U.S. citizen, not under U.S. laws, but on demand, by way of adverse possession. “We’re here, so you must give us legal status…” However, we are not only a nation of immigrants, we are also a nation of laws and our laws state that to be here legally, you must arrive here with our consent, by way of our laws, our immigration and naturalization process, our legal pathway to citizenship. Our nation has the same right to control our borders as each citizen has to control the front door, the safety, security and sovereignty of their family home. To enter without the people’s consent is against the law and is referred to as “breaking and entering.” It is a crime. Without secure borders, there can be no sovereign nation. Without the legal right to defend one’s own property, there is no personal security or sovereignty, even within your own home. When they enter illegally and attempt to change American culture by force, they are no more welcome here than a burglar is welcome in our home, nor should they be. If you think American immigration laws are unfair, I suggest you take a few moments to study Mexican immigration laws and penalties for non-compliance. This new “pathway to citizenship” being proposed by both Democrats and Republicans is just another form of “amnesty” for an estimated twenty-million illegal invaders allowed to enter the U.S. and demand rights as squatters. The list of politicians pandering for the “Hispanic vote” via illegal migration and “a pathway to citizenship” is almost endless. At present, most Hispanics here illegally can’t vote at all - And that’s what drives the political desire for “amnesty” in one form or another. This is our current "pathway to self destruction". Until our borders are secure, nothing in this nation is secure…
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 14:38:18 +0000

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