Our precious Jayden keeps exciting me with his progress! We have - TopicsExpress


Our precious Jayden keeps exciting me with his progress! We have reached 2 massive milestones in his recovery. Last Saturday, he had his first swim!!! I often forget just how much he takes in and understands. Clearly he listened to all the words of the doctors, saying he wouldn’t be able to bath and swim again. I remember how Jayden reacted the first time I bathed him and how it took a while for him to relax into it and enjoy his bath. Now he gets grumpy if he doesn’t get both a morning and evening bath … he LOVES it! So it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that Jayden was absolutely petrified when I first took him into the pool. It actually took quite a long time for him to relax and start enjoying his swim. I had to keep reassuring him that mommy had him and wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Once I took him out of his usual swimming position and held him close to me, with his legs wrapped around my waist, he started relaxing … and after a while started having so much fun. You could see just how proud he was of himself for being in the pool and swimming. The look he had on his face was indescribable when I said to him, “You see Jay? You’ve proved those silly doctors wrong, yet again! See what a big boy you are, swimming in the pool and showing them?!” He started talking so loudly and excitedly in his swim, it was amazing! We must have spent at least an hour swimming together and I could see that indomitable spirit in him come to life. My God you are SO good!!! The second milestone: Jay went back to school yesterday! I’ve decided to try start sending him back 2 days a week and slowly building from there. Jay was not impressed at all, being woken up early to go to school. He loved the car ride (which he always does) and had big smiles until he realised where we were going. Elisabeth and I had been preparing him from last week already that he would be returning to school, ramping up reminders the day before, but the moment we went over the 3 speedbumps on the way to school, he recognised the route and a “not-so-impressed” look came over his face. No, he was not enamoured to see his teachers or be back. It seems that he has grown very fondly accustomed to being at home, doing fun things, with Elisabeth every day. Elisabeth and I had to giggle. It was a typical response of any 10 year old going back to school after a long holiday. It’s so precious when I see Jayden responding the same way that children his age do. He has always been emotionally on par with children his age. Even though his body and communication haven’t been at the same developmental stages, the emotions always have. I noticed this with my ex-boyfriend’s son, who happened to be 4 months younger than Jay. When his son went through certain emotional changes, I noticed the same changes in Jay and it astounded me at first, but over the 6 years we were together, I realised that it was truly what was happening and not just my imagination. The same holds true to this day. Well the best part of Jayden’s day yesterday, was when Elisabeth told him that it was home time. He got so excited and started smiling. He was also pleasantly surprised as his Daddy came to collect him from school to bring him home (I didn’t want to ruin the surprise by letting Jayden know beforehand). From next week, Jayden’s classes will be back to the structured syllabus they follow and there will be more activities for Jay to do. The first week of school is more of an adjustment time for new classmates (Jayden’s class has 4 new classmates this year!) so his time was not filled with activities and lessons as usual. I know that having Elisabeth with him, made it much easier for him and he loved going to the gross motor room alone with Elisabeth to spend time with her, away from class. Jayden has to adjust to the noises of school and classmates again. He has enjoyed the quiet of having few people around him, a routine that isn’t hectic, his music and cartoons (lol). That said, even though yesterday was not very taxing mentally, it took a toll on his body and he was absolutely knackered when he came home. He even fell asleep very early last night and is sleeping in very late this morning – I’m guessing he’ll wake up around 11:00, if I know my boy. God, you are so awesome in the way that you take Jayden from strength to strength and open doorways for us. Even these seemingly little things would not be possible for me to manage without You! Motherhood is a noble and fulfilling calling.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:35:29 +0000

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