Over 100 more signatures collected this morning, on-line petition - TopicsExpress


Over 100 more signatures collected this morning, on-line petition close to 900. We have been very busy answering emails and messages today. Your patience in our response time is appreciated. We have heard from at least 6 people here in the last 24 hrs that have shared that with this new development they are thinking about selling their homes. Having a community pool that residents can walk or ride bikes to increase home values. Traffic congestion and overflow of parking on to residential streets does not contribute to safety. Email the Clintonville Area Commissioners at [email protected] Mayor Colemans office at [email protected] PLEASE cc SaveOlympicPool@gmail on your emails so we can save all emails to a file. If you want to know how you can help email SaveOlympicPool@gmail Sharing a comment from a Clintonville resident : If I was considering the purchase of a home today in Clintonville and it did not have a community pool, it would kill the deal. When my husband and I decided to buy a home years ago, we chose Clintonville because my husband grew up in this community and we wanted to share his wonderful experience from childhood with our children. Part of the experience was belonging to a community pool with Olympics history and tradition. If we had to make that decision now with Olympic pool closing, we would choose one of the suburbs with better supported recreation centers and pool facilities instead. Part of Clintonvilles charm is that our children can bike and walk to the pool, library, soccer games and schools. Clintonville has an innocence and nostalgia that so many of us are trying to hold onto. I see this innocence being stripped away layer by layer every year. I cant imagine what my children would be doing all summer if they could not have taken swim lessons and met their friends at the pool. Furthermore, Olympic pool is a historical landmark. Like any local treasure that defines a community, destroying Olympic seems utterly ridiculous and short-sighted. Perhaps more attention should be focused on the warehouses and business eyesores along Indianola in order to truly do what is in the best interest of the community. We used to have an ice cream shop at Indianola and Arden. Now its another used car lot. We only need to look a few miles north to remind us what happens when we ignore civic planning for hasty development for profit. When you start to destroy the essence of a community for the sake of progress, you redefine the community and change its soul. If we keep it up, we could succeed in turning Indianola into a vast wasteland like Morse Rd.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:29:15 +0000

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