Over on FFAF (fan fiction site for the FFRFs site), they posed the - TopicsExpress


Over on FFAF (fan fiction site for the FFRFs site), they posed the question Is atheism a religion? Below is my reponse. First I posted: [Atheism is not] a religion. Its the rejection of the god hypothesis. No proof is available, so the proposition fails. Thats it. Any other opinions and viewpoints a person (atheist) may have are probably humanistic (also not a religion, but more of a club affiliation). Ian Garbutt, perhaps an admin on the FFAF site, replied to my post: The fact that you are employing the A symbol as your avatar would suggest otherwise, Anthony. Also you cannot logically reject the God hypothesis because you are not in a position to test it. That last sentence is my favorite. I wish I had thought to tell him Then YOU are in no position to POSE such a question. If it cant be tested, there is no evidence that would lead you to propose a theistic explanation. Here was my actual reply: Im an atheist blogger. I have concluded that religion (and superstitious thinking in general) does real harm to real people, which is why I (and many atheists) cant help but share the good news about the non-existance of gods. As for testing the god hypothesis: the only rhealm we know exists is right here - this world and our natural universe. Any alleged holy book that purports to speak of a cosmic master must first make a compelling case for his Existance. Since we figured out how the sun rises and falls, and how the seasons change, and how life evolved, and why we have disease..... since then, we have a LOT less need of gods to fill in the gaps in our knowledge. I think the evidence is compelling that Man created god, not the other way around. How else can one reconcile the slavery, rape and genocide of the bible, at the direct orders of Yahweh? NO, that book of vile stories is just another rehashing of ancient pagan god myths, recycled by apocalyptic preachers in the middle east 2k years ago. Lets take a little Horus here, and a little Dionysis there, throw in some virgin birth mythology and substitute a HUMAN sacrifice for a goat - and voila, Christianity! It really is that simple, if you can set aside the emotional lens your faith forces on you from birth, and look at the world for what it truly is.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:06:46 +0000

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