Over the past several years I have witnessed a very dear friend - TopicsExpress


Over the past several years I have witnessed a very dear friend face up to the challenges of having a parent with Alzheimers disease. As her fathers illness progressed, so her mothers physical wellbeing deteriorated as she struggled to care for him. They have gone through the experience of trying to find a suitable care home for him, and have hit all sorts of brick walls - they have gone from having him in residential day cafe to full time residential care, and hes been in several places - they tool him out of one where he was not given essential meds for diabetes or the Alzheimers, and another where he managed to walk out several times, rendering him very vulnerable indeed, and another where he managed to fall and break a hip, after which he was sent to a negligent rehab facility - he was not receiving even the most basic care promised. I have seen how the family have struggled to find funding for his care - and this is your ordinary middle-class American family, with elders who had worked their entire lives and who had savings. It bears adding that my friends father is also a veteran of the Korean War. Today, on nakedauthors I wrote about their situation - which is ultimately a nightmare facing so many ordinary families today. Its Code Red On The Home Front. nakedauthors
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 13:48:41 +0000

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